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"Of course," the Jumjum continued, "all this would greatly have enhanced the cost of gootles, thereby lessening the sales, thereby reducing the output, thereby throwing a number of workmen out of employment. You see this, do you not, O guest of my country?" "Pray tell me," I said, "what became of the reformer who proposed all this change?" "All this change?

Brought into the presence of the Jumjum, who graciously saluted me, I was seated on a beautiful rug and told in broken English by an interpreter who had escaped from Kansas that I was at liberty to ask any questions that I chose.

Arriving at the capital of the country after many incredible adventures, I was promptly arrested by the police and taken before the Jumjum. He was an exceedingly affable person, and held office by appointment, "for life or fitness," as their laws express it. With one necessary exception all offices are appointive and the tenure of all except that is the same.

"Your Highness," I said, addressing the Jumjum through the interpreting Populist, "I fear that I do not understand; I expected, not to ask questions, but to have to answer them. I am ready to give such an account of myself as will satisfy you that I am an honest man neither a criminal nor a spy."

"Our country," said the Jumjum, acknowledging the compliment by a movement of his ears, "is called Trustland because all its industries, trades and professions are conducted by great aggregations of capital known as 'trusts. They do the entire business of the country." "Good God!" I exclaimed; "what a terrible state of affairs that is! I know about trusts.

"The gentleman seems to regard himself with a considerable interest," said the Jumjum, aside to an officer of his suite a remark which the interpreter, with characteristic intelligence, duly repeated to me. Then addressing me the Jumjum said: "Doubtless your personal character is an alluring topic, but it is relevant to nothing in any proceedings that can be taken here.