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But, Sangdieu! that a ruffler of the stamp of Eugene de Canaples should speak of it should call me the nephew of an Italian adventurer, should draw down upon me the cynical smile of a crowd of courtly apes pah! I am sick at the memory of it!" "Did you answer him?" "Pardieu! I should be worthy of the title he bestowed upon me had I not done so. Oh, I answered him not in words.

Lehmann gave me the great advancement; and if you will look at the critiques you will see they say I have not a bad appearance in the part. As for the briccone pah! when I talk like this to you, Leo, I despise him he is nothing to me I would not pay twopence that he should praise me. "Will you write to me, Leo, and say when you return?

"The priest, the Irish priest in the fort, he say to me: 'Wicked fellow, you be tortured forever and ever in the furnace, if you not undo what you did in the gorge! What care Louis Laplante for the fire? Pah! What care Louis for wounds and cuts and threats? Pah! The fire not half so hot as the hell inside!

The very first of your race was the meanest fellow that ever was heard of ate the stolen apple and when found out laid one half of the blame on his wife and the other on his Maker 'The woman whom thou gavest me' did so and so pah! I don't wonder the Lord took a dislike to the race and sent a flood to sweep them all off the face of the earth!

The life before he had known her offered itself to him again in a bare remembrance: the heat to get on, the keen bargains, friendships with fellows that shook him off when they married, not caring that it hurt him, he, without a home or religion, keeping out of vice only from an inborn choice to be clean. That was all. Pah! God help us! What was this life worth, after all?

I often do . . . I often do see him going about the native quarter when I ride through, but I do not write it down in my book, so it is quite impossible for me to say." "Anyhow, you saw Absalom?" "Oh, yes, I saw the boy. What a persistent man you are, and you haven't told me a word yourself." "Absalom was to have got a gold lacquer bowl that you ordered from Mhtoon Pah?"

"Pah! that is the simplest portion of the whole venture," I said confidently. "I am not likely to overlook such a point. The third window from here has a loosened shutter; I brought this stick to pry it apart. Then the interior will be ours, unless they keep a watchman stationed within." "Thou needst have small fear of that at this late season, and the building empty."

But I am honestly glad to be quit of him, and take some satisfaction in remembering that I detested the fellow from the first. He had too much cleverness with his bad style, or, if you prefer it, was sufficiently like a gentleman to be dangerous. Pah!

Gaston de Luynes!" he ejaculated, seizing my hand in an affectionate grip. "But how have you fared since Rocroi was fought? For a soldier of such promise, one might have predicted great things in ten years." "Helas, Monsieur! I was dismissed the service after Senlac." "Dismissed the service!" "Pah!"

"It is when it's not alive," acknowledged the girl. "But this sawhorse can trot as fast as you can, Jim; and he's very wise, too." "Pah! I'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week!" cried the cab-horse. Dorothy did not reply to that. She felt that Jim would know more about the Saw-Horse later on.