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Nor did the matter rest here; for the generality of the sufferers being in a public way, were obligated to appear the next day in their shops, and at their callings, with their nightcaps for few of them had two wigs like me by which no small merriment ensued, and was continued for many a day.

That money had been borrowed, and while Rimrock took in velvet, Stoddard was obligated to pay his debts. Several months went by and, patient Indian that he was, Rimrock still followed on Stoddard's trail. He looked up his connections with the Transcontinental railroad and there he made his first strike.

When I'm obligated to swaller one of 'em, I jest take a swig o' good spring water and repeat a po'tion of Scripture and commit myself unto the Lord. I always seem foreordained to choke to death, but I notice thet ef I recover from the first spell o' suffocation, I always come through. But I 'ain't never took one yet thet I didn't in a manner prepare to die." "Then I wouldn't take it, Enoch.

"Mr Dengate, sir," said Maria. "Dengate? What does he want, Maria? Let him see Mrs Millett or Miss Helen." Maria looked scornfully at Dexter, as if he had injured her in some way. "Which is what I said to him, sir. `Master's busy writing, I says; but he says his dooty, sir, and if you would see him five minutes he would be greatly obligated." The doctor said, "Send him in."

Pember answered. "I met Cap'n Phippeny, and he told me you was down here." "I'm obligated to Cap'n Phippeny," observed Ira, bitterly. "I dono as he's partickler to have you," remarked Mrs. Pember, imperturbably. There was another silence. Mrs.

Plato, you will say, though he himself lived very regularly, affirms, notwithstanding, that, in republics, men cannot do so, being often obligated to expose themselves to heat, cold, and several other kinds of hardship, and other things, which are all so many disorders, and incompatable with a regular life.

"My dear madam," said Mr. Awtry, "why do you give way to tears? If you desire," he continued, "I will telegraph to Virginia and learn if your husband is safe." "Thank you thank you!" she answered eagerly; "I shall feel deeply obligated if you will."

The girl's lip suddenly curled with scorn. "Yer nephew would be obligated ter make a ch'ice fur marryin' 'mongst these hyar mounting gals Par-mely Lepstone, or Belindy M'ria Matthews, or one o' the Windrow gals. Waal, sir, I'd ruther be yer niece even ef Em'ry Keenan air like a puppy underfoot, that ye can't gin away, an' won't git lost, an' ye ain't got the heart ter kill."

Applying only to the region north of the Ohio River, the ordinance provided for the erection of territories later to be admitted as states, guaranteed in republican government, secured in the freedom of religion, jury trial and all concomitant rights, endowed with public land for the support of schools and universities, and while obligated to render fugitive slaves on claim of their masters in the original states, shut out from the régime of slaveholding itself.

He feels himself obligated to you for returning to Port Agnew " "Did The Laird send you here to adjust these financial details with me, Mr. Daney?" "He did not. The matter is entirely in my hands. Certainly, in all justice, you should be reimbursed for the expenses of a journey voluntarily incurred for the McKaye benefit." "Did he say so?" "No.