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Consequently, the latter told Mulai Hamed, deputy assistant hall-porter, that the Effendi wished to be conducted to Government House with the utmost secrecy, thus twisting Dick's simple request, that the guide should avoid the main streets into a mysterious demand which an Eastern mind could not fail to embroider with intrigue.

At one of the corners where the beggars congregate and call for alms in the name of Mulai Abd el Kader Ijjilalli, I catch a glimpse of the great Kutubia tower, with pigeons circling round its glittering dome, and then the maze of streets, shutting out the view, claims me again.

"Brother," said he, "I would have speech of thee." "Say on," was the courteous reply, for Mulai Hamed was flattered at being addressed thus by a man of distinction. "There be certain Giaours at thy caravanserai, an old man, a fat man like a bull, a young man who stands more than a cubit high, and a thin man, the Hakim Effendi, whom I await here. Hast thou any knowledge of them?"

The veneration for Mulai Táïb of Wazzán, from whom the shareefs of that place are descended, is great, and the Aïsáwa, hailing from Mequinez, are to be met with all along this coast; they are especially strong at Kaïrwán.

"'Did he find his bed still warm on his return? "'Yes. "'Dost thou think such a thing possible; to travel three thousand five hundred years and back, and find one's bed still warm on returning? "'Canst thou play chess? then asked Mulai Abd el Káder. "'Of course I can, said the monk, surprised. "'Then, wilt thou play with me? "'Certainly not, replied the monk, indignantly.

Mulai Abd el Azîz had relied especially on Great Britain, and had confidently looked to it for protection against the French; the announcement of the bargain between them broke him down.

We read in "Raôd el Kártás" that the mosque was finished and the tower commenced in 1197, during the reign of Mulai Yakûb el Mansûr, who commenced its sisters at Marrákesh and Rabat in the same year. One architect is recorded to have designed all three indeed, they have little uncommon in their design, and have been once almost alike.

Just as Mulai Ismail praised Allah publicly two centuries ago for giving him strength to drive out the Infidel, when the British voluntarily relinquished their hold upon Tangier, so successive Moorish Sultans have thought that they have held Morocco for the Moors by their own power.

Till a few years ago the right to deal in these was granted yearly as a monopoly; but in 1887 the late Sultan, Mulai el Hasan, and his aoláma, or councillors, decided to abolish the business altogether, so, purchasing the existing stocks at a valuation, they had the whole burned.

Me and heem make 'em three-four beg oyster every day. He bin say: 'You carn be mate for me! He go along two Mulai boy. Carn beat me one sheer one man." Hamed has clean-cut notions on the disadvantages of multiplicity of partners. Hamed has been to Europe, and there he does not mention the country he was initiated into the mysteries of making Irish stew.