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Now mind whatever is bid you, obey; and whatever you see, be quiet. There," and Devilsdust taking a flask out of his pocket, held it forth to his friend, "give a good pull, man, I can't leave it you, for though your heart must be warm, your head must be cool," and so saying he vanished. Notwithstanding the animating draught, the heart of Mick Radley trembled.

Clambering up the face of the rough old brick wall like a cat, Mick carefully let down Jocko on the other side at this point, telling him in a whispered word of command that he was on `sentry go' and mustn't stir till the order was given to `relieve guard.

That's why I didn't order Mick back when I saw him going out with the team." "Cassy Mavor," interjected a third voice from a corner behind the great stove "Cassy Mavor, of the variety-dance-and-song, and a talk with the gallery between!"

"If you wanted it for a damper," explained Mick, giving the dough a final roll, "you'd put the whole lot in together. But I'll show you Johnny-cakes first; they're easier and don't take so long." He divided the dough into little pieces and rolled each out in his hands till it was the size and shape of an ordinary bun. He arranged these on the bag and pulled it near the fire.

"Sure to be handsome doings where you and me's concerned, friend Mick. But where are the creatures? You're not playing me a trick after all, are you?" he went on, looking round as if he expected to see the children start up from the earth or drop down from the sky. "This way," said Diana, more civilly than she had yet spoken, "follow me if you please they're close by."

The divil a pint of poteen ever you'll run in this parish, until you clear yourself of bringing the gauger on the Tracys, bekase they tuck Mick M'Kew, in preference to yourself, to run it for them." Traynor made another attempt to strike him, but was prevented. The rest now interfered; and, in the course of an hour or so, an adjustment took place.

Much was said of Mick, and much was said of Dick, both of whom were working 'as steady as rocks. The number of ounces extracted were stated, with the amount of profits which had been divided. And something was said as to the nature of their life at Ahalala. They were still living under their original tent, but were meditating the erection of a wooden shanty.

Meanwhile Fiddle-head and Jack Johnson were on the alert with their ropes, and in a few seconds they had flung them on and had drawn the loops tight, and pulled the animal down and held it. Mick at once loosened the lasso and Poona went back to the mob to rope another.

After his fine figure, the first feature Mac noticed was a large but unfinished tattoo of the Royal Arms across the aforementioned unsound chest. Tubercular or not, that chest spent most of its hours in the fresh air, along with most of the rest of Mick's body. "How d'you come by that bit of landscape, Mick?" "Oh! ! ! !" murmured Mick feelingly. "Me ruddy chest's crook outside as well as in.

"Have it your own way, then," said Mick, cynically; "it's nothin' to me if you've a mind to thry a taste of swimmin' under wather." He had not, however, strolled much farther when he met with somebody who was vastly more concerned about the animal's impending fate.