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The following extracts, corroborative of the general opinion respecting the Prince's amiable disposition, are taken from a manuscript account of his romantic expedition, by James Maxwell of Kirkconnel, of which I possess a copy, by the friendship of J. Menzies, Esq., of Pitfoddells.

John Menzies Grant, having breakfasted, filled his pipe, lit it, and strolled out bare-headed into the garden. The month was June, that glorious rose-month which gladdened England before war-clouds darkened the summer sky.

"All Scripture iss good, Donald Menzies, but it iss not lawful to divide Scripture, and it will read in my Bible, 'groanings which cannot be uttered, and I wass saying this would be the best way with your groans." Donald came in to tell me how his companion in arms had treated him, and was still sore.

"Ah, I might have guessed you had not," answered the young lady, turning away. Edwards looked foolishly round upon the circle of men who stood grinning at him. "Now will you be good?" said a youngster who had led the laugh at Edwards' expense. "What the devil are you laughing at, Menzies?" he asked hotly. "Why, don't you see the joke?" enquired Menzies innocently. "Well, carry on!

'Those words are more golden than gold! says Miss Havergal, as she orders them to be inscribed upon her tomb. 'They are like a gleam from the Mercy-seat! cries Donald Menzies. 'They are the sheet-anchor of my soul! Hedley Vicars tells his sweetheart.

The freckled one was Dick Farquhar; the one with a moustache like the shadow of a coming event, Charlie Grant; the one with the scar on his forehead, Sam Menzies; but they had funny nicknames for each other. Afterward Basil said they made him feel as if his name ought to be Methuselah.

Menzies and Prior eyed one another. "Cracked as an old bell!" said the younger man in English, and laughed. "Is it a vow?" Menzies asked. "It is a vow." "But tell me," put in Prior, "does the water of your spring differ from that of a thousand others on these hills?"

Carmichael, who had been leaning forward in his place, tore himself away from the preacher with an effort, and moved where he could see the congregation. Campbell was drinking in every word as one for the first time in his life perfectly satisfied. Menzies was huddled into a heap in the top of his pew as one justly blasted by the anger of the Eternal.

Menzies was swamped by a Day's man. He might just as well have stayed away altogether. The star of Seymour's was very low on the horizon. And then the house scored its one success. The headmaster announced it in the Hall after prayers in his dry, unemotional way. "I have received the list of marks," he said, "from the examiners for the Gotford Scholarship." He paused.

Among the different kinds of hardwood trees are the oak, maple, madrona, birch, alder, and wild apple, while large cottonwoods are common along the rivers and shores of the numerous lakes. The most striking of these to the traveler is the Menzies arbutus, or madrona, as it is popularly called in California.