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And in return, the tutor allowed himself rarely, very rarely, a moment of utterance from the depths of his real self. One evening, in the summer term following the boy's matriculation, Elsmere brought him an essay after Hall, and they sat on talking afterward.

'You need not be afraid, said I, addressing myself to the man, 'I mean you no harm; I am a wanderer like yourself come here to seek for shelter you need not be afraid; I am a Roman chabo by matriculation one of the right sort, and no mistake Good-day to ye, brother; I bid ye welcome.

A story is told of the time before the line to Oxford from Wolverhampton and Worcester was built, when persons visiting Oxford from the Vale of Evesham had to travel by road. An old yeoman family, having decided upon the Church as the vocation for one of the sons, sent him, in the year 1818, on an old pony, under the protection of an ancient retainer for his matriculation examination.

Before the matriculation she was always so tired because of the frightful grind, but that is over now, and I never do any work in the holidays. What are holidays for? Frau Doktor Dunker has really given me only a Satisfactory, it's awfully mean of her; and I shall have to learn from her for three years more!

But that's all in your own mind, Stevie. They were only talking and laughing. Stephen paused and laid a friendly hand upon Davin's shoulder. Do you remember, he said, when we knew each other first? The first morning we met you asked me to show you the way to the matriculation class, putting a very strong stress on the first syllable. You remember?

He was a very self-satisfied Jimmy, nor who can wonder, since almost from his matriculation there had been constantly dinned into his ears the plaudits of his fellow students.

The conclusion which we are to draw from these "facts" is this: Such a corrupt person could not possibly be a proper instrument for the Holy Spirit to employ in so pious an undertaking as the translation of the Word of God. Catholics should be reminded that they misquote the book of matriculation in which the students at Erfurt signed their names on entering the university.

Her aim, at present, was to become a graduate of London University; she was toiling in her leisure hours the hours of exhaustion, that is to say to prepare herself for matriculation, which she hoped to achieve in the coming winter. Of her intimate acquaintances only one could lay claim to intellectual superiority, and even she, Nancy Lord to wit, shrank from the ordeals of Burlington House.

That was democratic, the consent of the community; this is autocratic, the authority conferred by a head, superior to, and outside of the community. Matriculation examinations at any rate were in those happy days unknown.

Oh bother, to-morrow is a holiday and next day is Sunday. So for another 2 1/2 days I shall have "to linger in suspense," but a different sort of suspense from what Goethe wrote about. June 30th. We were at home yesterday and this afternoon because of Dora's matriculation. The Bruckners went to Breitenstein to visit an aunt, who is in a convalescent home, and so I could not go with them.