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When he came here he'd been admitted to the bar and was a good lawyer a mighty good lawyer for that time and had more business 'n a bird pup with a gum-shoe. He was just a boy then, and, like all boys, he enjoyed a good time.

Holt was an eminently learned and clear headed lawyer: he was an upright and courageous man; and, though he had never been factious, his political opinions had a tinge of Whiggism. All obstacles, however, disappeared before the royal will. Holt was turned out of the recordership.

So I made a trip to Great Falls, if you please, and I scouted around and located the gentleman well, anyway, I gave that nice, sleek little lawyer of yours a few facts that will let Irish come back to his claim." "Irish has been coming back to his claim pretty regular as it is," Andy informed her quietly. "Did you think he was hiding out, all this time?

"You-have-sent-for-me-on-business,-I-believe," said the lawyer, in a tone continuous and bland as a stream of honey. "Yes, Sir; I have great confidence in your judgment, and I know that you are devoted to the interests of our family. My poor husband always esteemed you highly." "Oh, Ma'am! you do me honor!"

Lyons, then the leader of the Provincial bar, afterward president-judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia; Mr. John Lewis, an eminent lawyer, and John Randolph, afterward knighted and as Sir John Randolph, the king's Attorney General for Virginia. Henry was twenty-four when admitted to the bar, and for three years did nothing.

He can be here in less than two hours." "Lawyer? What do I want with the lawyer? Nobody shall know I say, nobody shall know. I shall do as I like." "Let me call some one else, sir," said Mary, persuasively.

He was neither old nor young, neither handsome nor ugly; he was personally not in the least like the popular idea of a lawyer; and he spoke perfectly good English, touched with only the slightest possible flavor of a Scotch accent. "I have the honor to be an old friend of Mr. Macallan," he said, cordially shaking hands with me; "and I am honestly happy to become acquainted with Mr.

The lawyer who employed him as a clerk complained that he seemed totally incapable of doing his work. The police felt sure that either he or Murnihan fired the shot; that both of them, and probably a dozen men besides, knew who did. Six men were led into the office one after another. Mary Drennan looked at each of them and shook her head. It came to Murnihan's turn.

For, when he flung out of the Red House after Margaret's departure, in a tumult of rage and shame, announcing his determination to go to the devil, he did not immediately seek out the Prince of Darkness: he only went to his lawyer. His lawyer told him a good deal, and Mrs. Brand, in a letter dictated to Janetta, told him more.

Reeves's opinion foolishly quixotic to rouse sleeping dogs, and ruin himself, to put money in the pockets of the Reynold Dorans, who had more than they wanted already. "You'll feel like getting leave to run over to France, I suppose," said the lawyer, "though of course the search might be made for you if you prefer." "I prefer to go myself," Max decided quietly. "Why not let me go with you?"