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"I wish we had never done it. I do wish we had never done it," Eleanor murmured pitifully. "I am ashamed of you, Eleanor," Miss Penfold said coldly. "You are worse than a child with your laments and complainings. What have we done? Nothing.

Martial laments the death of a favourite slave girl v, 34 and 37. The pages of Pliny are full of the spirit of kindliness to slaves. See Tacitus, Annals, xiv, 42 ff. Suetonius, Claudius, 25. The interesting letter of Pliny, viii, 16; and cf. iii, 14, and v, 19. Juvenai, vi, 219-223. Spartianus, Hadrian, 18. Gaius, i, 52 ff. Cf. Ulpian in Dig., 1, 12, 1 and 8.

The day of death is a day of sorrow, 'the day without mercy. The word for corpse conveys the idea that things have 'come to an end. Whenever death is referred to in the literature, it is described as an unmitigated evil. A dirge introduced into an impressive hymn to Nergal laments the fate of him who

"The soul is not in the game; it looks on, while nothing more than the external phantom weeps and laments." "Passive affections and misery light only on the outward shadow of man." The great end of existence is to draw the soul from external things and fasten it in contemplation on God.

Johnson laments the absence of Mr. Boswell, and will come to him. Harley-street. He came to me in the evening, and brought Sir Joshua Reynolds. I need scarcely say, that their conversation, while they sate by my bedside, was the most pleasing opiate to pain that could have been administered.

Beethoven, too, like Mozart, is a man without a country. As the one manipulates his joyous, soft, serene rhythms, the other throbs and trembles with obscure meanings and pathetic, heartrending laments, the source of which lies hidden as at the bottom of some mine. He is a Segismund who complains against the gods and against his fate in a tongue which knows no national accent.

He may be considered as a child exposed to all the temptations of indigence, at an age when resolution was not yet strengthened by conviction, nor virtue confirmed by habit; a circumstance which, in his "Bastard," he laments in a very affecting manner:

They have been walking for hours, and have not been thinking of "the world". They listen, half-heeding, to the protests and laments; they could not help it, they explain the music took hold of them. The two professors go off to get the papers, and Moses goes into the next room to rest; after which it becomes clear to the audience that Lloyd and Helena are fighting the sex-duel.

It didn't seem quite like clothing, in the sense of her own tarlatan and crinoline, her waist which Hodie wouldn't properly lace and tulle draping; there was a certain resemblance to the dressing in Van Amburgh's circus; but in spite of Camilla's private laments every inch of it was distinguished.

And he is by no means apt to make laments about things which cannot be helped, or requests about those which are trivial; because to be thus disposed with respect to these things is consequent only upon real anxiety about them. Again, he is the kind of man to acquire what is beautiful and unproductive rather than what is productive and profitable: this being rather the part of an independent man.