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In the previous autumn I had written Duncan McLean, one of the four men who came to my rescue on the Susan River, that should I ever come to Labrador again and be in need of a man I would like to engage him.

So when we consider how easily it can be preserved in Labrador, and how beneficial its preservation is to all concerned, we can understand how the wanton destruction going on there is quite as idiotic as it is wrong. Take "egging" as an example. The Indians, Eskimos and other beasts of prey merely preserved the balance of nature by the toll they used to take.

It seemed as if the whole ursine tribe must have emigrated to Labrador. At last we came to the mouth of the river, where it empties into Lake Kenogami, in a comparatively civilized country, with several farm-houses in full view on the opposite bank.

These are usually big lop-eared kindly fellows, and just as friendly as any dog in the world. The laws of Newfoundland provide a heavy fine upon any one bringing upon the island a Labrador dog that is related even remotely to the husky wolf dog. The leader of the dog team is the best disciplined dog in the team but not always by any means the "boss" dog, or bully, of the pack.

On shipboard it was a relief to be able to shut himself up in his cabin his suite! feigning sickness, but really allowing his taut nerves to relax, as he watched first the outlines of the Laurentides, and then the shores of Anticosti, and lastly the iron-black coast of Labrador, follow each other below the horizon. Two or three appearances at table gave him confidence that he had nothing to fear.

The outward circumstances of the missions in Labrador this year were uncommonly prosperous they sent to England upwards of 100 tons of blubber, 2000 seals' skins, and 2750 fox skins. Desire of the heathen to hear the Gospel. Brethren meditate a new settlement voyage to explore the country. Quiet course of the mission advantages of their church discipline. Death of Burghardt.

"The literal meaning of the word is 'cultivable land. As to its appropriateness, you can judge for yourselves. I do not know who bestowed upon it this misfit of a name, but it must have been a hardy explorer, who did it in a fit of spleen and wretchedness." "The Barton family seems to be comfortable and happy in poor old Labrador," said Mrs. Jones.

He had good reason to love the place, and he was quite sure he had no better or truer friends in all the world than Thomas Angus and his family. "Thomas," said he at parting, "if I had the means to support myself I would stay here on The Labrador and be doctor to the people that need me, for there are folk enough that need a doctor's help up and down the coast.

"The man who sails the Labrador must know it all like his own back yard not in sunny weather alone, but in the night, when the headlands are like black clouds ahead, and in the mist, when the noise of breakers tells him all that he may know of his whereabouts. A flash of white in the gray distance, a thud and swish from a hidden place: the one is his beacon, the other his fog-horn.

On one side, the province now extended to the frontiers of New England, Pennsylvania, New York province, the Ohio, and the left bank of the Mississippi; on the other, to the Hudson's Bay Territory. Labrador, Anticosti, and the Magdalen islands, annexed to Newfoundland by the proclamation of 1763, were made part of the province of Quebec. The Quebec Act created much debate in the House of Commons.