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Everything was ready at last, water, stores, arms, and ammunition, and the boat, with mainsail and jib hoisted, was lying just abreast of the station, in charge of Tematan and Tepi, surrounded by canoes. In the house with me were Mrs. Krause and Niâbon; and Kaibuka and his head men, who had come to take formal charge of the station, and to bid us farewell.

It opened, and a stately old gentleman entered, with well-powdered wig and long queue. "Mr. Krause, my worthy colleague!" exclaimed Kretschmer, jumping up and hastening toward the old man. But Mr. Krause had no word of greeting. He sank sighing into a chair. "Do you know the news?" asked he, in a whining tone, folding his trembling hands, and looking at Kretschmer timidly, as he stood before him.

"He pays you for the room, and you no doubt have free use of it. A very good bargain!" She sat back and stared about her, while Frau Krause, recognising that she had met her match in this sharp-tongued young lady, curbed her temper, and launched out into the history of a former lodger. It was a dingy room, long and narrow, with a single window.

As they could not get possession of the writer, they were obliged to cool their wrath on his treasonable writings. They were dragged in his stead, as prisoners of state and dangerous criminals, to headquarters at the New Market. The two other writers, whom the Austrians pursued with furious zeal, were the two newspaper editors, Kretschmer and Krause.

Koops, who had been ordered by his master to remain up, immediately opened the door, and a posse comitatus of civil power filled the yard. "Where is Mynheer Krause," inquired the chief in authority. "Mynheer, the syndic, is up-stairs in the saloon." Without sending up his name, the officer went up, followed by three or four others, and found Mynheer Krause smoking his pipe.

That was her story, and now I will relate something of the woman herself and of the white man of whom she had spoken, the German trader Krause. When I first landed on Tarawa, this man, whose name was Krause, according to the usual custom among us traders, called to see me.

She went from door to door, scanning the numbers, with her head poked a little forward and to one side, like a bird's. As she ascended the stair, she raised her skirts, and her nostrils twitched displeased. Frau Krause held the door open by an inch, and looked at Madeleine with distrust. "No, he's not," she replied. "And what's more, I couldn't say, if you were to pay me, when he will be."

Krause to try and induce her husband to let him leave his service. The natives accepted their story without the slightest doubt, and the two went on their way to the white man's house. As soon as she and Mrs.

It was done so that when the German man-of-war comes here, no trace of him will ever be found;" and then she told me frankly the whole story, and the meaning of the strange silence of the natives. Krause, she said, after his savage attack upon Tematau, had told his terrified wife that he meant to bring back Tematau, and kill Niâbon.

Try to sleep. You are so pale." "Good-bye good-bye!" His hand rested on the door of the droschke. She laid hers on it, and clung to it as though she would never, let it go. Part III. ... dove il Sol tace. Frau Krause was ill pleased at his unlooked-for reappearance, and did not scruple to say so.