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More detailed in actuality than the stories of other sections, these New England plots do not fall so readily into formulas as do those of the South and West; and yet they have their formulas: how a stubborn pride worthy of some supreme cause holds an elderly Yankee to a petty, obstinate course until grievous calamities ensue; how a rural wife, neglected and overworked by her husband, rises in revolt against the treadmill of her dull tasks and startles him into comprehension and awkward consideration; how the remnant of some once prosperous family puts into the labor of keeping up appearances an amount of effort which, otherwise expended, might restore the family fortunes; how neighbors lock horns in the ruthless litigation which in New England corresponds to the vendettas of Kentucky and how they are reconciled eventually by sentiment in one guise or another; how a young girl there are no Tom Joneses and few Hamlets in this womanly universe grows up bright and sensitive as a flower and suffers from the hard, stiff frame of pious poverty; how a superb heroism springs out of a narrow life, expressing itself in some act of pitiful surrender and veiling the deed under an even more pitiful inarticulateness.

The tinkle of a piano down the street; the whine of a Victrola in another home; the cry of a baby in pain; the murmur of talk on the porch next door; the slamming of a door; the creak of a gate; footsteps going down the brick pavement; the swinging to and fro of a hammock holding happy lovers under the rose pergola at Joneses.

A flying visit to London would be delightful." "What does your father say to that?" "Why, he won't listen to it. But I'll do my best to bring him round and so will Adeline. As for Florence, I believe I will ask father to let her go to Saratoga with the Joneses." "I shall have no very decided objections," was the quiet reply of Florence.

Whether or not the Joneses believed in the hoodoo, they did know that if the Seamew sailed without a proper crew their insurance on the freight would be invalid. So the farther Tunis walked down toward the wharves, the more these thoughts assailed and overcame his mind, to the exclusion even of the tragic happenings back there on the Head the night before.

The heroes themselves were the men of the people the Joneses, the Smiths, the Davises, the Drakes; and no courtly pen, with the one exception of Raleigh, lent its polish or its varnish to set them off.

If not alone, he wanted no thoughts of hers, and Richard's hands were clenched as he moved from the darkening window, and took his seat behind the stove, where he sat the entire evening, like some statue of despair, brooding over his ruined hopes. The next day brought the Joneses Melinda and Tim the latter of whom had heard from Mrs. Amsden's son of Andy's strange errand there.

The best thing for us to do, now that I am free to do it, is to have the marriage ceremony repeated over us and made valid. I am ready and willing. The only drawback is the prejudice of your family against me." A magnanimous tone in his voice betrayed eagerness to put the Joneses under obligations to him. "Dr.

She said she had heard of me ... she opened the door and went into the house. I followed. She was the wife of Anarchist Jones, of whom I had already heard the household speak as a difficult, recalcitrant member of the colony. The Joneses were very poor. They had two children and lived in a mere shack on the outskirts of the community. Jones was a shoemaker.

And, truth to tell, Jones and the little Joneses look well on it. But two things in addition to the rent test her managing powers. Boots for the children! and coal for the winter! The latter difficulty she gets over by paying one shilling per week into a coal club all the year through.

Becky has often spoken in subsequent years of this season of her life, when she moved among the very greatest circles of the London fashion. Her success excited, elated, and then bored her. They talked in English, not in bad French, as they do in the novels. They talked about each others' houses, and characters, and families just as the Joneses do about the Smiths.