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Aunt Hannah's eyes fell. A faint color crept through the wrinkles on her forehead, and for a few moments she ceased to interrogate the child. But she spoke at length in the same impassive voice as before: "Have you a father?" "No, ma'am." "A mother?" "She is dead." "Who is Isabel?"

There, leaning with his arms crossed on the back of an easy-chair, Charles proceeded to interrogate the suspected nobleman. "Let us be plain with each other. Speak out, Buckingham. What, in one word, was to have been the regale intended for us this evening?" "A petty mask, my lord.

But Master Halfman, for his part volubly indistinct and without seeming to interrogate at all, was soon in possession of every item of information concerning the country-side that was of the least likelihood to serve him.

Count Karl bowed his head, bitterly humbled. Anna's eyes seemed to interrogate Vittoria, "Can I do, more?" but her own heart answered her. Inveterate when following up her passion for vengeance, she was fanatical in responding to the suggestions of remorse. "Stay; I will despatch Major Weisspriess in my own name," she said. "He is a trusty messenger, and he knows those mountains.

"The other man has been discharged," he said. "As for Bouzille, M. de Presles does not think there is any need to interrogate him." "Am I to be punted out then?" enquired the tramp with some dismay, as he looked uneasily towards the window, against the glass of which rain was lashing. The sergeant could not restrain a smile.

Pedro and I were shortly summoned by Don Eduardo to attend the colonel; but fortunately he was too tired and hungry to interrogate us closely, and after a few questions he dismissed us, with permission to join several of his officers round their watch-fires.

"It is sufficient," said the Intendant to his clerk "undoubtedly there are no papers; but I must, before I go, interrogate this child, who has been removed thus; but she will be frightened, and I shall obtain no answer from her if we are so many, so let everybody leave the cottage while I speak to her."

"Nothing at all, sir, except that a lone contraband came off to us in a leaky skiff, when I first took charge of the deck," was the reply. "Does he know anything?" was the captain's next question. "I did not interrogate him, sir, only just enough to find out that he is not a pilot." "Perhaps he knows where we can get one, so you might as well bring him aft."

"I don't know how," said Joseph; "but there is a person who can tell if she will; I mean Margery Twyford, who calls herself your mother." "You meet my thoughts," said Edmund; "I had resolved, before you spoke, to visit her, and to interrogate her on the subject; I will ask my Lord's permission to go this very day." "That is right," said Oswald; "but be cautious and prudent in your enquiries."

"Thief is a hard, ugly word. That which he was removing was, or had been, his own property." "Tut, tut! do be more explicit and get on," interrupted the little Chief, testily. "I ask nothing better; but if questions are put to me " The Judge interposed. "Give us your story. We can interrogate you afterwards."