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On the other hand, however, we see you spreading your religion daily, instead of keeping it confined within your provinces. What assurance do you give us that, after all your demand shall have been accorded, you will make no innovation in religion." "The assurance which we give you," answered the Prince, "is that we will really accomplish the Pacification."

Mulrady's chair, as his confidential clerk and private secretary. The astonishment of Red Dog and Rough-and-Ready at this singular innovation knew no bounds; but the boldness and novelty of the idea carried everything before it.

When the Duke first constructed his canal, he had to encounter the fierce opposition of the Irwell and Mersey Navigation, whose monopoly his new line of water conveyance threatened to interfere with. But the innovation of one generation often becomes the obstruction of the next.

"Buonaparte?" said Bilibin inquiringly, puckering up his forehead to indicate that he was about to say something witty. "Buonaparte?" he repeated, accentuating the u: "I think, however, now that he lays down laws for Austria at Schonbrunn, il faut lui faire grace de l'u! * I shall certainly adopt an innovation and call him simply Bonaparte!" * "We must let him off the u!"

We were greatly troubled a few years ago, by the innovation of a new kind of knocker, without any face at all, composed of a wreath depending from a hand or small truncheon. A little trouble and attention, however, enabled us to overcome this difficulty, and to reconcile the new system to our favourite theory.

There was a quarrel with the pope upon the extent of the papal privileges; there were disputes between the laity and the clergy, accompanied, as if involuntarily, by attacks on the sacramental system and the Catholic faith, while innovation in doctrine was accompanied also with the tendency which characterized the extreme development of the later Protestants towards political republicanism, the fifth monarchy, and community of goods.

So totally was the world off its guard at the moment of this great and greatest innovation in its practice so totally unaccustomed were men then to look for anything like power in the quarter from which this seemed to be proceeding so impossible was it for this single book to remove that previous impression that the Author of the Novum Organum could even venture to intersperse these directions, with regard to its specific and particular applications, with pointed and not infrequent allusions to the comprehensive nature the essentially comprehensive nature of 'the Machine' whose application to these certain instances he is at such pains to specify; he could, indeed, produce it with a continuous side-long glance at this so portentous quality of it.

I wished to make my people happy and free; that was what alarmed all these princes, that was an unheard-of innovation, and they have all put their heads together and whispered to each other, 'He will betray to mankind that they have rights of which we have robbed them. He wishes to give back to mankind his inherited portion of the booty! But what will then become of us?

The breeding of trout and salmon, and the artificial spawning and hatching of ova, are, however, an innovation of our own time. Much has been discovered about the procreation of fish, and in no case have scientists worked so hard and discovered more than in the case of Salmonidæ. Fish culture, particularly trout culture, has become a trade, and a paying one.

But the great bulk of the better classes, and particularly those connected with the law, still lived in flats or dungeons of the Old Town. The manners also of some of the veterans of the law had not admitted innovation.