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Finally, she had the honor of refusing the Emperor's advances, for Napoleon made her a present of a diamond necklace, and always remembered her, asking now and again, "And is the beautiful Madame Hulot still a model of virtue?" in the tone of a man who might have taken his revenge on one who should have triumphed where he had failed.

"It is one of the documents in the case," said the police-agent; "return it to me, monsieur." "Well, monsieur," replied Hulot with bitter expression, "that woman is profligacy itself in fixed ratios. I am certain at this moment that she has three lovers." "That is perfectly evident," said the officer. "Oh, they are not all on the streets!

"My dear friend," said the Count, addressing the Minister, "you shall have the two hundred thousand francs within forty-eight hours. It shall never be said that a man bearing the name of Hulot has wronged the public treasury of a single sou." "What nonsense!" said the Prince. "I know where the money is, and I can get it back.

She shot a burning glance at Crevel; but, like Dubois, who gave the Regent three kicks, she affected too much, and the rakish perfumer's thoughts jumped at such profligate suggestions, that he said to himself, "Does she want to turn the tables on Hulot? Does she think me more attractive as a Mayor than as a National Guardsman? Women are strange creatures!"

But do you know what your brother is?" "My brother?" asked the deaf man. "Yes, he is a damned infernal blackguard, and unworthy of you." The Marshal in his rage shot from his eyes those fulminating fires which, like Napoleon's, broke a man's will and judgment. "You lie, Cottin!" said Marshal Hulot, turning white. "Throw down your baton as I throw mine! I am ready."

Hulot, at last, ignoring Crevel, went on tiptoe to listen at the bedroom door; but he bounded back with a prodigious jump, for Marneffe opened the door and appeared with a calm face, astonished to find only the two men. "And the tea?" said he. "Where is Valerie?" replied the Baron in a rage. "My wife," said Marneffe. "She is gone upstairs to speak to mademoiselle your cousin.

Say, now, has it come to seek out your sublime virtue, priced at two hundred thousand francs?" The words made Madame Hulot shudder; the nervous trembling attacked her once more. She saw that the ex-perfumer was taking a mean revenge on her as he had on Hulot; she felt sick with disgust, and a spasm rose to her throat, hindering speech. "Money!" she said at last. "Always money!"

"And though old Vyder is not a bad old fellow, I fancy he is sharp enough to wish to remain the master, while if he once got married why, the poor man is afraid of the stone that hangs round every old man's neck." "Could you send for the girl to come here?" said Madame Hulot. "I should see her quietly, and find out what could be done "

You have nothing to complain of; you know, I always stipulated for the right of taking my revenge; it took you three months to rob me of Josepha; I took Valerie from you in We will say no more about that. Now I mean to have her all to myself. But we can be very good friends, all the same." "Crevel, no jesting," said Hulot, in a voice choked by rage. "It is a matter of life and death."

Profligates, men whom Nature has gifted with the precious power of loving beyond the limits ordinarily set to love, rarely are as old as their age. During this relapse into virtue Baron Hulot had been three times to the Rue du Dauphin, and had certainly not been the man of seventy.