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The Belik rises among the hills east of Orfa, about long. 39°, lat. 37° 10'. Its course is at first somewhat east of south; but it soon sweeps round, and, passing by the city of Harran the Haran of Scripture and the classical Carrh proceeds nearly due south to its junction, a few miles below Rakkah, with the Euphrates.

Rapidly the line was formed, Hilma and Harran Derrick in the lead, Annixter having obstinately refused to engage in either march, set or dance the whole evening. Soon the confused shuffling of feet settled to a measured cadence; the orchestra blared and wailed, the snare drum, rolling at exact intervals, the cornet marking the time. It was half-past eight o'clock.

"Lyman, answer me, yes or no. Have you reduced the Bonneville rate?" "It could not be done so soon. Give us time. We " "Yes or no! By God, sir, do you dare equivocate with me? Yes or no; have you reduced the Bonneville rate?" "No." "And answer ME," shouted Harran, leaning far across the table, "answer ME. Were you paid by the Railroad to leave the San Joaquin rate untouched?"

"Tell me, tell me," she cried, "is Harran is " "We don't know yet," he answered. "Oh, Annie " Then suddenly the Governor checked himself. He, the indomitable, could not break down now. "The doctor is with him," he said; "we are doing all we can. Try and be brave, Annie. There is always hope. This is a terrible day's work. God forgive us all." She pressed forward, but he held her back.

"Did he?" inquired the innkeeper. "The man of Harran was at the 'Green Star' all night, and Thou didst see him?" "Not only I, but the policeman." Asarhadon brought down the first servant, and commanded each to repeat his story. They repeated the stories faithfully, with the utmost conviction.

Annixter read the note, Harran and Presley looking over his shoulder. "Ah, it's them, is it," exclaimed Annixter. Harran set his teeth. "Now for it," he exclaimed. "They've been to your place already, Mr. Annixter," said Vanamee. "I passed by it on my way up. They have put Delaney in possession, and have set all your furniture out in the road." Annixter turned about, his lips white.

If this thing goes through, it will absolutely beggar nearly a hundred men. Broderson wouldn't have a thousand acres to his name. Why, it's monstrous." "But the corporations offered to lease these lands," remarked Lyman. "Are any of the ranchers taking up that offer or are any of them buying outright?" "Buying! At the new figure!" exclaimed Harran, "at twenty and thirty an acre!

The situation of Harran the name itself signifies 'road' as the highway leading to the west, must have been an important factor, in bringing this about. However this may be, Sin and Nannar are as thoroughly identical in the period following Hammurabi, as Babbar and Shamash. The attributes of the one are transferred to the other so completely, that a separation of the two is no longer possible.

"I don't know," muttered Harran, "maybe it just wants a little spark like this to fire the whole train." Magnus glanced at his son in considerable surprise. He had not expected this of Harran.

I think, now that I am here, I will telephone Phelps to send the wagon right down for these. I started blue-stoning to-day." Magnus nodded a grave approval. "That was shrewd, boy. As to the rain, I think you are well informed; we will have an early season. The ploughs have arrived at a happy moment." "It means money to us, Governor," remarked Harran.