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It is often phallic, and we are told by Hargrave Jennings that the serpent possibly was added to the male and female symbols to represent desire. Thus, the Hindu women carried the lingam in procession between two serpents; and in the sacred procession of Bacchus the Greeks carried in a sacred casket the phallus, the egg, and a serpent. The Greeks also had a composite or ideal figure.

There was a chill in the large, dark room. Mrs. Hargrave, very sober and haggard looking, drew Helen to her and kissed her. Then to Helen's amazement Mrs. Horton kissed her too. "My dear little girl," she said feebly, "I want to tell you that I find I have made a great mistake, and I am sorry for everything. When Rosanna comes back, I want you two little girls to be the best of friends.

Hargrave, smiling. "I want to give you each one just like this one that I am getting for myself. Then we will think of each other whenever we use them." Helen lifted Mrs. Hargrave's delicate old hand and laid it against her cheek. "Oh, Mrs. Hargrave," she cried, "I will never forget you. I don't need the notebook, but it is too lovely, and I will keep it as long as I live." Mrs.

With all his foibles he is said to be a man of enterprise and courage, and young women, it seems, must take care how they laugh with him, for he makes ungenerous constructions to the disadvantage of a woman whom he can bring to seem pleased with his jests. The taste of the present age seems to be dress; no wonder, therefore, that such a man as Sir Hargrave aims to excel in it.

"Then Hargrave shall help me." Schillie. "Help the pirates you mean; but who has looked after that female lately?"

I'll do as you wish, only don't let that young ruffian Hargrave come near me. He has been the bane of my life. I wish that we had got him out of the Wolf before we sailed from home, or that a chance shot had taken his head off. You don't know what I went through when I was wrecked on that horrible island.

"Hello, Hargrave," he said. "Do you know anything about ciphers?" "Only the trade one that our firm uses," replied the jewel dealer. "And that's a modification of the A B C code." "Well," he said, "take a look at this." The jewel dealer sat down at the other side of the table and the Baronet handed him the sheet of paper.

"Ladies need money even more than women do, and so they'll usually go the limit, and beyond, to get it. However, assuming that for some reason or other, your mother and sister won't help, at least they won't oppose?" "My sister is engaged to the son of Dr. Hargrave," said Arthur uneasily. "That's good excellent!" exclaimed Dawson, rubbing his gaunt, beard-discolored jaw vigorously.

That young fellow will get into more trouble if he doesn't mend his manners." Lord Reginald, who had just returned with Voules from a ride, was standing in front of the house when the groom appeared, leading the dog. "I thought I ordered you to take that dog to Farmer Hargrave?" exclaimed the midshipman.

That is the height to which American scientists have sent kites with thermometers and barometers attached, so as to record the elevation and the temperature. is something new and hitherto unheard of in the kite line. Rigidity and strength, without too much weight, are the prime essentials of the Hargrave.