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How many know that her 'sea affairs' may have begun a thousand years ago, if the Norsemen came by way of Greenland; that she has a long and varied naval history, with plenty of local privateering by the way; that the biggest sailing vessel to make a Scottish port in the heyday of the clippers was Canadian-built all through; that Canada built another famous vessel for a ruling prince in India; that most Arctic exploration has been done in what are properly her waters; that she was the pioneer in ocean navigation entirely under steam; and that she is now beginning to revive, with steam and steel, the shipbuilding industry with which she did so much in the days of mast and sail and wooden hulls?

Consequently the Eskimos are obliged to make sledges of bones; and as the bones and tusks of the walrus are not big enough for this purpose, they tie and piece them together in a remarkably neat and ingenious manner. Sometimes, indeed, they find pieces of drift-wood in the sea. Wrecks of whale-ships, too, are occasionally found by the natives in the south of Greenland.

"Greenland?" echoed the chorus. "Greenland?" cried Helga, appearing in her doorway, with blanching cheeks. They rushed upon the messenger, and hauled him from his horse and surged about him. And what had seemed Babel before was but gentle murmuring compared with what now followed. "Greenland! What for?" "You are jesting." "That pagan hole!" "In three days? It is impossible!"

'I don't know, replied Hester; 'they call him just Kinraid; and Betsy Darley says he's t' most daring specksioneer of all that go off this coast to t' Greenland seas. But he's been in Newcastle, for I mind me she said her poor brother met with him there. 'How didst thee come to know him? inquired Alice. 'I cannot abide him if it is Charley, said William.

And the 7th day of July we did see Greenland, and it was very high, and it looked very blue; but we could not come to harbour in the land because we were hindered by a firm land, as it were, of ice, which was along the shore's side; but we were within three leagues of the land, coasting the same divers days together.

All we are concerned with here is the amount of new knowledge brought back by successive expeditions within the Arctic Circle. This region of the earth's surface is distinguished by a number of large islands in the eastern hemisphere, most of which were discovered at an early date. We have seen how the Norsemen landed and settled upon Greenland as early as the tenth century.

Bahá’í literature has been disseminated as far north as Upernavik, Greenland, above the Arctic Circle. The Bahá’í message has been broadcast by radio as far south as Magallanes. The area of land dedicated to the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár of Persia has increased by almost a quarter-million square meters.

For, notwithstanding the manifold reasons he had to expect a happy issue to his aim, his imagination was incessantly infected with something that chilled his nerves and saddened his heart, recurring, with quick succession, like the unwearied wave that beats upon the bleak, inhospitable Greenland shore.

As they joined the other Single Brethren, and marched in solemn procession past Zinzendorf's house, they heard the Count remark to a friend, "Sir, among these young men there are missionaries to St. Thomas, Greenland, Lapland, and many other countries." The words were inspiring. Forthwith the young fellows wrote to the Count and offered to serve in St. Thomas.

In Greenland, Helga, Gilli's daughter, loved an Englishman. I beat him soundly for it, yet I could not uproot the thought from his mind; and now " "And now I tell you that it is of no consequence what he thinks," Alwin interrupted her, eagerly. "I have to-night found out a means by which I am as certain to win favor as " But he could not finish.