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Madame de Maintenon had twice sent my children to Clagny with the under- governess; but she did not come herself, which greatly inconvenienced me.

"Whenever the time comes, I shall be quite ready to work for papa," said Clarissa; yet she could not help wondering how the master of Arden Court could ever bring himself to send out his daughter as a governess; and then she had a vague childish recollection that not tens of pounds, but hundreds, and even thousands, had been wanted to stop the gaps in her father's exchequer.

I have learned that he has three small children, and his wife applied only yesterday at an agency for a nursery governess. The last proposition may be the most difficult for you to handle, but I think if you manage to convey to the Reverend Dr.

There was a baleful light of intellect in the child's eye, and a preponderance of forehead combined with a certain lankness of hair betrayed, I fancy, an ingenuous academical origin. The girl was looking round her with an unholy sense of superiority, and as we passed she said to her governess in a clear-cut, complacent tone, "We're quite exceptional, aren't we?"

Poor girl! last night's events had apparently shaken her from that indifference which she seemed to think the best armour of a helpless, proud governess against the world. She would scarcely listen to a word. She was in extreme agitation; half-a-dozen times she insisted on leaving, and then sat down again. I had not given her credit for so much wholesome irresolution so much genuine feeling.

Your mother, Rachel, who was a Londoner, served me an ill turn while we were sweethearting, hankering after another man a Jew millionaire he was, she being a governess in his house; but, Richard, I couldn't give her up: I married her three months before you were born; and not a living creature knows, except, perhaps, one perhaps one: a priest he was, called O'Hara. But that's how it was.

"Are you?" said Irene, with a queer look. James the footman saw them as they went upstairs; and Lady Jane stood at the drawing-room door, but made no sign. Irene presently reached the small but very prettily arranged room which the little girl was to occupy. "This room opens out of Frosty's," she said. "Who is Frosty?" asked the child. "My governess, of course, and your sister."

"Yes, but still Lady Cecilia, when a child, was all day long with her governess, and at Cecilhurst the governess's apartments were quite out of the way, in one of the wings at the end of a long corridor, with a separate staircase; she might as well have been in another house." "Bad arrangement," said Mr. Collingwood, speaking to himself as he stood on the hearth.

To please the King, his governess took him once to Auvez, and twice to the Pyrenees, but neither the waters nor the Auvez quack doctors could effect a cure. At any rate, I was fortunate enough to bring up this handsome prince, who, if he treat me with ceremony, yet loves me none the less.

Before the two families parted it was arranged that Noémi should be taken by her governess to attend the rehearsals at the Mauperins' house. Renée's whole-hearted friendliness and sparkling humour soon overcame Noémi's reserve, and under Denoisel's direction the amateur actors made rapid progress.