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The pastor, the magistrate of the village, and the one who accepted this gift, were summoned to his Majesty's presence; and he made known to them his wishes, which they solemnly engaged to fulfill. His Majesty then drew from his privy purse the necessary funds, and handed them to these gentlemen. It is well that the reader should know how this agreement so solemnly made was executed.

"The second chief was well pleased and said he was glad and very thankful, and then he said, 'I don't know what I can give you for a proper gift, but I have two daughters and, if you want them, you can take them along. "The boys smiled and whispered, 'They look pretty good, let's take them for squaws. So they said they would take them.

Filmy skirts, and bewildering ruffles of cobwebby lace. What wild imagination ever conceived of such witcheries; and what power could command their materialization in the North Woods? Joyce sank beside the boxes, gasping with delight. Then suddenly, as the shock of pleasurable surprise passed, the mockery of the gift struck her.

I am very deeply appreciative of all that this ceremony means, all that this gift implies, and all the kind words which Sir Joseph Dimsdale has used in conferring it. I thank you heartily for myself.

And we may say, that the easiness wherewith he learnt so many tongues, was almost equivalent to the lasting gift of them. While Xavier and his companions were labouring to acquire that knowledge which was necessary for their preaching the word of Jesus Christ to the people of Cangoxima, Paul de Sainte Foy, with whom they lodged, himself instructed his own family.

The reason was, that if George knew of this gold before he saw the King, he would be sure to tell him of it, and the King might claim it, for George would never explain that it was a gift from father to son; whereas if the King had once pardoned him, he would not be so squeamish as to open up the whole thing again with a postscript to his confession. But of this she said not a word.

And so it was arranged. Jim would not hear of any selling or buying of the hound; but in Edmonton, where he sold his sled and team, preparatory to taking train for the western seaboard, he accepted, as gift from Jan, the best rifle Dick could find, inscribed as arranged; and, as gift from Dick, a photograph of himself and Jan together. Their parting was characteristic of life in the North-west.

The old countess had paused in her "patience," a sad, fond smile played on her lips, her eyes were full of tears, and she shook her head, remembering her own youth, looking forward to her daughter's future and reflecting on her strange prospects of marriage. Dimmler, sitting by her side, listened with rapture, his eyes half closed. "She really has a marvellous gift!" he exclaimed.

I had rather a gift for character and could say exactly the thing to each one to flatter them the most. I found that I took pleasure in the exercise of such cleverness. There was a feeling of power in it playing with the foibles and weaknesses of men and women. I did not see that I was often trafficking in unworthiness and baseness." "I've no doubt you did harm," concluded Mrs. Brough.

Though he conversed with a colourless fluency in the principal European tongues, he seldom exercised his gift except in intercourse with hotel-managers and head-waiters; and his long silences were broken only by resigned allusions to the enormities he had suffered at the hands of this gifted but unscrupulous class. Mrs.