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It was said that a gilt cup had been given to him as a New Year's gift, by one lady, and a pair of gloves filled with gold coins by another; but it turned out, on examination, that he had drunk the wine out of the cup, and accepted the gloves, because it was ill manners to refuse a lady's gift, yet he had in both cases given back the gold.

He hoped the concession now made which was a great and liberal gift, because unrestricted and given in a spirit of confidence would not lead to the renewal of agitation in Ireland by Mr. O'Connell. It might be well for him to reflect that agitation was a two-edged sword. Being conformable to justice and not contrary to principle, he hoped the measure proposed would pass into a law.

A whisper spoke to my intelligence. "Man conquered by me, fall down before me. Beg my forbearance. Beg life of me and take the gift!" "No," my thought answered Its. "You die, Man." "All men die." "Not as they die who are mine." "I am not yours. You kill me, as a wild beast might. But I am not yours; not dying nor dead am I yours." "Would you not live, pygmy?" "Not as your pensioner."

The last will cancels all preceding wills. An addition to an existing will is known as a "codicil." A man making a will is called a testator. A woman making a will is called a testatrix. A man has a right to dispose of his property by will or gift as he chooses, but if he is married the law compels him to consider the rights of another.

And then on a happy day a son came upon the scene and presto, before the boy was an hour old, the ponderous appellation was clapped on his unlucky head. Mr. Burton, however, did not consider the child unlucky not he! To bestow this signal honor afforded him infinite satisfaction. No gift he could have granted his heir could, in his opinion, equal much less surpass this one.

But now in a short time, through the presence of the Assistant, quite another sort of life was commenced. His great gift was to talk well, and to treat in his conversation of men and human relations, particularly in reference to the cultivation of young people.

She was resolved that George should have the money, and she knew that she could give it to him in spite of her father. But her father might probably be able to delay the gift, and thus rob it of its chief value. If she were to sign the bills, the money must be made to be forthcoming. So much she understood.

Birkenfeld drew a huge bundle from beneath his chair, and began to open the wrapper, while the children looked on with the greatest interest, knowing very well that that bundle held some gift for each one of them. First came a pair of shining spurs for "big Jule," then a lovely book with blue covers for Paula. Next a long bow with a quiver and two feather arrows.

Their little sons, who were away at school, were brought home, and the family expenses were cut down to the barest margin; but all these sacrifices paid only part of the debts. My mother, finding that her early gift had a market value, took in sewing.

Now, looking upward, he repeated softly and reverently: "'Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. And oh, Father," he added, "keep us in the light she and I. May there be in us, as there is in Thee, no variableness, neither shadow which is cast by turning."