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I will give you our Blessed Father's views on this subject, first reminding you how unfailingly patient he was with the humours of others, how gentle and forbearing at all times towards his neighbour, and how perseveringly he inculcated the practice of this virtue, not only upon the Daughters of the Visitation, but upon all his spiritual children.

They seemed, at the outset, at least, resolved to understand one another plainly. "I have heard from Marian," she went on, "that I have only to claim my release from our engagement to obtain that release from you. It was forbearing and generous on your part, Sir Percival, to send me such a message.

In reply, I gave him, as briefly and clearly as I could, a summary of all that is recorded in the earlier part of this narrative, carefully forbearing to afford any explanation of the manner in which the apergic force was generated. This omission the Prince noticed at once with remarkable quickness. "You do not choose," he said, "to tell us your secret, and of course it is your property.

Shedding tears, those high-souled princes, with due formalities, approached the old king and Gandhari, as also their own mother. Indeed, regaining their senses, and once more comforted by their mother, the Pandavas took away from the king and their aunt and mother the jars full of water which they had been carrying, forbearing them themselves.

Let him, when you are dearest, ever feel that he is most forbearing in his thoughts of me that I am most forbearing in my thoughts of him! Those are the last words I send him! Now, goodbye, my life! She clasped her in her arms, and seemed to pour out all her woman's soul of love and tenderness at once. 'This kiss for your child! These kisses for a blessing on your head!

Such is a faint picture of the defensive operations on such occasions: how is this untiring, bitter energy met by those who represent the crown? "Look on this picture and on that." Here all is calm, dignified, generous, and forbearing; every consideration is shown, every indulgence is granted, to the unfortunate being who is in jeopardy.

The mate had set the brig's ensign, and this compelled the stranger to be markedly rude, or to answer the compliment. Accordingly he had shown the ancient flag of Spain. For thus extorting a national symbol from the schooner, the mate was sharply rebuked at a suitable moment, though nothing could have been more forbearing than the deportment of his commander when they first met.

Hastening out into the hall, she softly closed the door again, and proceeded to make her own preparations for the evening meal. She could hear Dunham moving about in his room, and knew that he was forbearing on Sylvia's account from the whistling obligato which usually accompanied his toilet.

"Do you think it's altogether selfishness for me to fight for Victor Dorn and give him a chance to get out his paper again when he has warned me that he is going to print things that may defeat me?" "You know he'll not print them now," retorted Jane. "Indeed I don't. He's not so forbearing." "You know he'll not print them now," repeated Jane. "He'd not be so foolish.

"You liked her," I say, in a perfectly collected, tearless voice, "did not you? You were very kind and forbearing to them all, always I am very grateful to you for it but you liked her of your own accord you would have liked her, even if she had not been one of us, would not you?" I seem greedy to hear that she was dear to everybody. "I was very fond of her," he answers, in a choked voice.