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"Let her stay where she is," said Victoria, putting her arm around the child. "The dress washes, and it's so nice outside." "You rich folks certainly do have strange notions," declared Mrs. Fitch, fingering the flounce on Victoria's skirt, which formed the subject of conversation for the next few minutes. "How are you getting on?" Victoria asked at length.

'Can you not take your handkerchief, your neck-cloth, anything? she cried; and at the same moment, from her light muslin gown she rent off a flounce and tossed it on the floor. 'Take that, she said, and for the first time directly faced Greisengesang. But the Chancellor held up his hands and turned away his head in agony.

She was, characteristically, dressed as brightly as possible, in a mauve skirt with an elaborately cut flounce swaying about yellow silk stockings, a mantón of white crêpe de Chine embroidered with immense emerald green blossoms; her hair piled about its tall comb was covered with a mantilla falling in scallops across her brilliant cheeks.

Someone trod on her flounce and Crutch shouted: "Aie, they have torn off the panel! Children!" Aksinya had naive grey eyes which rarely blinked, and a naive smile played continually on her face.

The pale and attentive face of the lady makes one think of the great English master's best works; the necklace, the flesh, the flounce of lace and the hands are marvels of skill and of taste, which the greatest modern virtuosos, Sargent and Besnard, have not surpassed, and, as far as the man in the background is concerned, his white waistcoat, his dress-coat, his gloved hand would suffice to secure the fame of a painter.

Rosier got up and wandered about with his careful tread, bending over the tables charged with knick-knacks and the cushions embossed with princely arms. When Madame Merle came in she found him standing before the fireplace with his nose very close to the great lace flounce attached to the damask cover of the mantel. He had lifted it delicately, as if he were smelling it.

As a sample of her stock please note: A superlatively exquisite, essentially beautiful, and important lace flounce for sale, at a reasonable price. Also a bargain of peerlessly choice character. Six grandly glittering paste cluster buttons, of important size, emitting dazzling rays of incomparable splendour and lustre.

"And what?" exclaimed Gaut, turning fiercely on his wife. "Suspected! What business had you to suspect? And you told Avis what you thought, I suppose?" "Not a word, never one word; for I knew she was so proud and particular, that, if she mistrusted any thing of that kind to have been done, she would flounce in a minute.

"You must, or you must go away from here." "I can never forget, but it shall be a thing of the past," said James. "That is right," Mrs. Ewing said with a maternal air. "It will only take a little effort. You will see." She went out of the room with a flounce of red draperies, and left James. He sat down beside a window and stared out blankly.

Molly, with a flounce of resignation, cried out, "Well, it's more trouble, of course, but we're getting used to it fast!" Sara said, rather sharply, "Go get the baby, Molly, and be quiet, if you can; and, Morton, help me gather up the bits." While Morton, who was already down on the floor, remarked in his slow, thoughtful way,