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He also wrote a comparison of the English Government with that of Sweden, a History of the Flagellants , and The British Empire in Europe . He came to England in 1769, lived in great poverty, and having inherited a small fortune, returned to his native place in 1775.

Marfa observed that, from the day of the burial, he devoted himself toreligion,” and took to reading the Lives of the Saints, for the most part sitting alone and in silence, and always putting on his big, round, silver-rimmed spectacles. He rarely read aloud, only perhaps in Lent. Of late he had begun to listen to the doctrines of the sect of Flagellants settled in the neighborhood.

It probably arose in many places at the same time; for the terror of death, which pervaded all nations and suddenly set such powerful impulses in motion, might easily conjure up the fanaticism of exaggerated and overpowering repentance. The manner and proceedings of the Flagellants of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries exactly resemble each other.

My passion for my mistress had something fierce about it, for all my life had been severely monachal. Let me cite a single instance. She gave me her miniature in a medallion. I wore it over my heart, a practice much affected by men; but one day, while idly rummaging about a shop filled with curiosities, I found an iron "discipline whip" such as was used by the mediaeval flagellants.

What sort of creature is that who treats his soul as the flagellants treat their bodies? Can one live without a head? "Think of it. Here is a man who possesses the most beautiful woman in the world; he is young and ardent; he finds her beautiful and tells her so; she replies that she loves him.

"These are the Beating Friars, otherwise called the Flagellants," quoth he. "I marvel that ye should have come upon none of them before, for across the water they are as common as gallybaggers. I have heard that there are no English among them, but that they are from France, Italy and Bohemia. En avant, camarades! that we may have speech with them."

He lives only in the body. What sort of creature is he who treats his soul as the flagellants treat their bodies? Can one live without a head? "Think of it. Here is a man who possesses one of the most beautiful women in the world; he is young and ardent; he finds her beautiful and tells her so; she replies that she loves him.

I venerate a human being who starves for his principles, let them be what they may; but starving for anything is not at all to the taste of the honourable flagellants: strict principles, and good pay, is the motto of Mr. Perceval: the one he keeps in great measure for the faults of his enemies, the other for himself.

As far back as the eleventh century many believers in Asia and Southern Europe afflicted themselves with the punishment of flagellation. The author of the solemn processions of the Flagellants is said to have been St. Anthony of Padua . In 1260 the Flagellants appeared in Italy as Devoti.

This was done in penance, as the members of more rigid orders in the past were flagellants for a season. So here for a whole week had he been sitting, for the most part in rainy weather, busied with the books that the inn afforded advertising booklets of the beauties of the Alps diagrams of steamships and peeking out of doors for a change of sky.