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As I went toward the engine, I met the watchman: "'Phy don't that fireman o' yourn sleep in the house or on the caboose floor such a night as this? He'll freeze up there in that cab wid no blankets at all; but when I tould him that, he politely informed meself that he'd knowed men to git rich mindin' their own biz. He's a sassy slip of a Yankee.

"'Oh, I've had a nice play, and I'll go back to the road. I wish you'd go along. "'I wouldn't like anything better; will you take me? "'Yes, but I ain't sure that I can get you a job right away. "'Well, I could fire for you, couldn't I? "'I'd like to have you, Kid; but you know I have a regular engine and a regular fireman. I'll ask for you, though. "'I won't fire for anybody else!

Mr Fosset and I helped up Blanchard, the other fireman, he, luckily, not requiring to be carried; and we then went down for Mr Stokes, who had refused to leave the stoke-hold until his men had been attended to.

They had the engineer and fireman corralled, but their laugh turned to sorrow when they saw a strapping infantry sergeant climb into the cab and after placing his loaded rifle in front of him, he grasped the throttle and away they went much to the disgust of Mr. Rioter. They didn't like it worth a cent, but as one striker put it, "What's the use of monkeyin' with them reg'lars?

Just then Edwin observed a guard, with whom he was acquainted, and asked him if the fireman had yet been found. "Not yet sir, I believe," said the man. "They say that he and the driver were flung to one side of the line."

David Cable was ascending. "Graydon," said the latter, pausing halfway up as the other came down, "you were ready to congratulate me in advance on the prospect of becoming president of the P., L. & A. Do you know that I was once an ordinary fireman?" "Certainly, Mr. Cable. The rise of David Cable is known to everyone." "That's all. I just wanted to be sure.

Bobbsey, too, was shouting with mirth, for the hose from the toy engine was rather small, and threw only a thin, fine spray. "I'm a fireman!" cried Freddie, "and I'm pretending Dinah is on fire. See her red apron that's the fire!" and the little fellow turned the crank of his engine harder than ever, throwing the tiny stream of water all over the kitchen. "That's enough, Freddie," said Mr.

"Come on Flossie!" he called to his sister, who had slipped down off the porch to run after a big black cat that marched along with his tail in the air, "like a fishing pole," Bert said. "Come on, Flossie!" called Freddie. "We'll go out to the barn and play ship and sailors, and I'll be a fireman and you can be " "I'm going to be hungry, and have something good to eat!

Why, Nolan, they'd murder you!" But there came a sudden shot, and then a shout, from somewhere uphill. On the edge of the dump a man was eagerly waving his hat, pointing away to the northeast along the massive slope of the mountain. "Well, Mr. Fireman," said Nolan, "I guess we'll have to go back. But you are sure about Shiner, are you?" this again to the visitors, as he persisted in calling them.

"Father is safe, thank God," replied Loo, with a choking voice, "and Gertie also, but mother " "She is not dead?" exclaimed the fireman. "No, not dead, but very very much hurt. The doctors fear she may not survive it, Will." No more was said, for at that moment four porters came up with a stretcher and placed Garvie gently upon it.