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The Barber-Surgeons, all portraits, are an assemblage of grave-looking personages, in dark costumes. The company has refused five thousand pounds for this unique picture; and the keeper of the Hall told me that Sir Robert Peel had offered a thousand pounds for liberty to take out only one of the heads, that of a person named Pen, he conditioning to have a perfect fac-simile painted in.

These claims he bases in some measure upon the fact that he deceived the Della Crusca by a forgery of his own making, which was actually accepted for the Archivio Storico. See op. cit. p. 181. Die Chronik, etc., pp. 53-57. Die Chronik, etc., p. 39. See Hegel's op. cit. p. 6. See Del Lungo, op. cit. vol. ii. pp. 19-23, and fac-simile, to face p. 1.

Ramusio describes a map, supposed to be this, which he states to have been drawn up for the elucidation of Marco Polo's travels. On this map, so far as it relates to the circumnavigation of Africa, Dr. Vincent has given a dissertation, having procured a fac-simile copy from Venice, which is deposited in the British Museum; the substance of this dissertation we shall here compress.

Then putting down the candle and spreading the name before him, he drew a sheet of tissue paper from a drawer and placed it over it. The writing was perfectly legible the finest stroke showed through the thin tissue. He filled a pen and carefully drew the lines of the signature upon the tissue paper then raised it the fac-simile was perfect.

Good heavens! the poor soul!" she thought, as she left the room, "it /is/ hard to be in labor for seven years and bring forth a dead child! And not trust his wife!" She went back into the room. "If you had listened to me you would never had interceded to keep your chief clerk; he stole that abominable paper, and has, no doubt, kept a fac-simile of it. Adieu, man of genius!"

Her face reminded me of a picture I had seen somewhere, but at first I could not recall where, until the fact, told me by the Stanfords, of a peculiar necklace which the girl possessed, and which they described to me, brought to my remembrance the picture of your daughter at Harcourt Manor with a fac-simile of the necklace on.

"Eldest Prince, Heir-Apparent," do not speak of him, Small Devil, for you are misinformed in every feature and particular: enough, "he is fac-simile of his Brother. "Prince Henri, who is just going to be married," thank you, Demon, for reminding us of that. Bride is Wilhelmina, Princess of Hessen-Cassel. Marriage, 25th June, 1752; did not prove, in the end, very happy.

Yet Jefferson made it far stronger and sharper against negro slavery than it is now. Look closely at the well-known fac-simile: There stands to this day that precious original, hot first-thoughts and cold second-thoughts, all in Jefferson's own hand.

The carriage, I thought, was a fac-simile of the one in which I had been brought from West Wallen on the night of my arrival. One of the most striking peculiarities of this sort of vehicle was the width at which the wheels were set apart. The body seemed comparatively narrow. It was very long, and covered with white canvas.

No place can boast of a more sublime view than one can get here from the Imperial Palace and Terrace, or from the church-domes or spires on the Kremlin; or, even better, from the Esplanade of Mouravief's Folly a tower erected by the well-known General of that name on the highest and foremost ravine, and on the summit of which he had planned to place a fac-simile of the famous Strassburg clock, but constructed on so gigantic a scale that hours and minutes, the moon's phases, the planets' cycles and all besides, should be distinctly visible from every locality of the town and fair for miles and miles around.