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Another Chief from the neighbouring settlement of Batcheewanig, about 90 miles distant, was on a visit, and I had many a long talk with these two red- skinned brethren. They said they had had no minister to visit them, either Jesuit or Protestant, since the previous summer, and they seemed very anxious to be taught, and listened very attentively when I read or expounded the Scriptures.

The nature of a bill, and the precautions that are to be observed about discounting it, are expounded at length and with clearness.

The one serene, smiling, fresh powdered, betokening a mild day. The other, an old discoloured, unkempt, angry caxon, denoting frequent and bloody execution. Woe to the school, when he made his morning appearance in his passy, or passionate wig. No comet expounded surer. J.B. had a heavy hand.

"Madame, it is my humble opinion that you could convince us of anything you desired. Happy are those who have so charming a disciple to expound their doctrines, happier still the fortunate few to whom those doctrines are to be expounded by lips so lovely and a heart so wise."

I do tremendously admire your editorials. They're beautifully done; the perfection of clarity. But the rest of the paper I can't see you in it." "Because I'm not there, as an individual." He expounded to her his theory of journalism. That was a just characterization of Junior Masters, he said: the three-ringed circus.

He expounded to me the wonders of the new régime. Would I take lessons in healing? Certainly! He paid an American Yogi a hundred dollars to teach me. I was unaware of the cost. At first it was by correspondence. His chirography looked like a plate of spaghetti. I was instructed how to take a bath and when. The second letter ordered me to sleep with my head to the East.

Probably it will actually increase, for the Pale has been ravaged as well as liberated during the war, and the Jews of Germany have based an ingenious policy on this prospect, which is expounded thus by Dr. Germany may not relish her kinship with these lost Teutonic tribes, but Dr.

They expounded on this levy that the fair fields of the South would be overrun by the ragamuffins of the Northern cities, and the hen-roosts and pig-houses ravished, etc. "But what would you have me do?" asked Lincoln, who did not then foresee his having to conduct the military movements. "Mr.

Brook expounded, "to the highest end. If Lady Fanny's amused she'll be quiet." "Bless me," cried the Duchess, "of all the immoral speeches ! I put it to you, Longdon. Does she mean" she appealed to their friend "that if she commits murder she won't commit anything else?" "Oh it won't be murder," said Mrs. Brook. "I mean that if Harold, in one way and another, keeps her along, she won't get off."

Doubtless we were being expounded as English tourists, and our great economic value to the country was being expatiated upon. The rôle is an important one, and has its privileges; yet, to the wolf, there is something stifling in sheep's clothing; certainly, on the occasions when it was discarded by us, a sympathy and understanding with the hotels was quickly established.