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Edward Westermarck and apparently of Professor Eugen Mogk. It may be called the purificatory theory. Obviously the two theories postulate two very different conceptions of the fire which plays the principal part in the rites.

"Oh, there's plenty of time," his hostess answered carelessly. "I was only writing to Eugen." "Ah, yes; I saw him day before yesterday, and he sent his love to you." "I knew he would go to Berlin on purpose to see you. He has not seen you for over two years, and neither have I, except for the moment, as we passed through Berlin.

Give me your confidence. I thought you had given it me years ago, but I have lately discovered that you had your secrets, even then. And now, since your illness, you are still more secretive. 'What do you mean, Aribert? said Eugen, in a tone which might have been either inimical or friendly. 'What do you want to say?

I am a nobody a Serene Highness who has to pretend to be very important, always taking immense care never to do anything that a Serene Highness ought not to do. Bah! 'But if your nephew, Prince Eugen, were to die, would you not come to the throne, and would you not then have these responsibilities which you so much desire? 'Eugen die? said Prince Aribert, in a curious tone. 'Impossible.

And as long as it existed for him, his home was beside it. He turned restlessly. Disturbed in her dreams, Louise flung over on her other side. "Eugen!" she murmured. "Save me! Here I am! Oh, don't you see me?" He shook her by the arm. "Wake up!" She was startled and angry. "Won't you even let me sleep?" "Keep your dreams to yourself then!" There was a savage hatred in her look.

'What do you want to know? he inquired, with politeness. 'First and foremost, I want to know the names of your accomplices inside this hotel. 'I have no more, said Jules. 'Rocco was the last. 'Don't begin by lying to me. If you had no accomplice, how did you contrive that one particular bottle of Romanee-Conti should be served to his Highness Prince Eugen?

I am about to take a wife, and become a respectable Prince. 'Then the engagement with Princess Anna is an accomplished fact? 'Practically so. As soon as I have settled with Levi, all will be smooth. Aribert, I wouldn't lose Anna for the Imperial throne. She is a good and pure woman, and I love her as a man might love an angel. 'And yet you would deceive her as to your debts, Eugen?

I shall never forget them as long as I live. And now, when I ask you to come out with me it is such a little thing-oh, I can't sit at home this evening, Eugen, I can't do it! If you really loved me, you would understand." She flung herself across the bed and sobbed despairingly.

Each is a Stylites on a pillar. Their opinion on Leon Bakst, Francis Thompson, Augustus John, Cyril Scott, Maurice Ravel, Vuillard, James Stephens, E.A. Rickards, Richard Strauss, Eugen d'Albert, etc., may not be without value, and their genuine feverish morbid interest in art has its usefulness; but they know no more about reality than a Pekinese dog on a cushion. They never approach normal life.

'I mean this: Suppose some other European pauper Prince was anxious to marry Princess Anna and her fortune, wouldn't that Prince have an interest in stopping this loan of yours to Prince Eugen? Wouldn't he have an interest in causing Prince Eugen to disappear at any rate, for a time? Sampson Levi thought hard for a few moments.