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The king, having delayed his sanction for some time, in order not to wound the cantons by this violent usurpation of their rights over their own countrymen, afforded the Jacobins fresh ground for imprecation and invective against the court and the ministers.

"I put on all the official dignity I could assume, but was very polite all the time, informed her that mislaid, delayed and irregular express matter were common occurrences, that the company was responsible for its contracts, counted you one of its most reliable agents, and assured her that very possibly within twenty-four hours she would find her trunk delivered safe and sound at its destination."

The river, which was rather narrow, would be difficult to ascend unless we had showers. Luckily rain fell during the night, and although delayed by trees that had fallen across the stream, which was from six to ten metres wide, we made a good day's work and camped at an attractive old clearing of rattan gatherers.

How has this letter been delayed? Why do I get only a copy ?" "Because Mr. Van Ariens has the original." "It is all incredible. What do you mean, Annie? Do not keep me in such torturing suspense." "It means that Mr. Van Ariens asked Cornelia to marry him on the same day that you wrote to her about your marriage. She answered both letters in the same hour, and misdirected them."

I might have locked it up in our own safe or carried it home with me or pitched it out of the window. It is all a blank." "Did you stay at the office later than usual that day?" "Yes; I was busy with some of Mr. Sandford's private affairs, and that delayed me until all the others had gone. I left about five o'clock." "And now who is V. S.? Pardon me, but the question is necessary."

How much did you explain in your letter?" "I said I had been unavoidably delayed in finishing my official errand." "What would you say if you were court-martialled for losing Manöel and being five days late yourself?" "I don't know. It would depend on the questions." "Would you answer in any way that might do harm to my father, or would you sacrifice yourself again for him and for me?"

'But what does it matter? You have only spoken in his favour. 'I feared the name might affect you disagreeably. Marian delayed her reply. 'It is true, she said, 'we are not on friendly terms with my cousin's family. I have never met Mr Reardon. But I shouldn't like you to think that the mention of his name is disagreeable to me.

That truculent personage told them, in reply, that they had done wisely, for if they had delayed receiving the garrison a minute longer, he would have instantly burned the city to ashes and put every one of the inhabitants to the sword.

This Cornelius had not begun to do yet, but his illness, while perhaps it delayed the time when the thought of turning should present itself, made it more likely the thought would be entertained when it did present itself.

The archduke meanwhile, in his sullen retirement, brooded over a tragedy to follow the very successful comedy of his antagonist. It was not long delayed. The assault which had been postponed in the latter days of December was to be renewed before the end of the first week of the new year.