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I spare my reader an account of my miscellaneous reflections on Thornton, Dawton, Vincent, politics, Glanville, and Ellen, and will land him, without further delay, at Chester Park.

They had written to her during my illness, and while I was yet musing over the day's journal, a letter from her was put into my hand. I transcribe it. "My Dearest Henry, "How dreadfully uneasy I am about you: write to me directly. I would come to town myself, but am staying with dear Lady Dawton, who wont hear of my going; and I cannot offend her for your sake.

"I wish," sighed Lord Dawton, as we were calculating our forces, "that we could gain over Lord Guloseton." "What, the facetious epicure?" said I. "The same," answered Dawton: "we want him as a dinner-giver; and, besides, he has four votes in the Lower House." "Well," said I, "he is indolent and independent it is not impossible." "Do you know him?" answered Dawton. "No:" said I. Dawton sighed.

In the Dawton faction, the best, the purest, the wisest of the day were enrolled; they took upon themselves the origin of all the active measures, and Lord Dawton was the mere channel through which those measures flowed; the plain, the unpretending, and somewhat feeble character of Lord Dawton's mind, readily conceded to the abler components of his party, the authority it was so desirable that they should exert.

However, I own that I have a right to expect from Lord Dawton, not, perhaps, a recompense of service, but, at least, a fulfilment of promises. In this expectation I begin to believe I shall be deceived." "You will!" answered Lady Roseville. "Bend your head lower the walls have ears. You have a friend, an unwearied and earnest friend, with those now in power; directly he heard that Mr.

I said, in a low tone, that I was the bearer of a letter of some importance from our mutual friend, Lord Dawton, and that I should request the honour of a private interview at Lord Chester's first convenience.

I sent back an answer in the affirmative, and then gave myself wholly up to considering what was the best line of conduct to pursue with regard to Lord Dawton. "It would be pleasant enough," said Anger, "to go to him, to ask him boldly for the borough so often pledged to you, and in case of his refusal, to confront, to taunt, and to break with him."

Your lordship will find the matter, and I will not spare the trouble." Lord Dawton was profuse in his thanks; he explained the subject, and left the arrangement wholly to me. He could not presume to dictate. I promised him, if he lent me the necessary books, to finish the pamphlet against the following evening. "And now," said Lord Dawton "that we have settled this affair what news from France?"

With this reflection I dismissed the occurrence from my thoughts, and once more returned to self- congratulations upon my own incomparable genius. "I shall now," I thought, "have well earned my seat in parliament; Dawton will indisputably be, if not the prime, the principal minister in rank and influence.

"Is it true," said I; "that I am to congratulate you upon the certainty of your return for Lord Dawton's borough of ?" "I believe so," replied V . "Lord Dawton engaged it to me last week, and Mr. H , the present member, has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. You know all our family support Lord Dawton warmly on the present crisis, and my return for this borough was materially insisted upon."