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The two cadets spun around and looked back toward the second floor. Standing at the top of the stairs, Rex Sinclair scowled down at them, ray guns in each hand, leveled at the two cadets. "By the craters of Luna!" cried Roger. "You!" "That's one of the things I forgot to tell you, Roger," said Tom wryly. "Sinclair belongs to this outfit too!" "Belongs!" roared Roger.

No good reason has as yet been given for the fact that they so frequently cross small craters and other objects in their course, though it has been suggested that the route followed by a rill from crater to crater in these instances may be a line of least surface resistance, an explanation far from being satisfactory.

Their outward resemblance to some of the ridges on the moon is unquestionable; and if we could believe that the Maria, as we now see them, are dried-up sea-beds, it might be concluded that these ridges had a similar origin; but their close connection with centres of volcanic disturbance, and the numbers of little craters on or near their track, point to the supposition that they consist rather of material exuded from long-extending fissures in the crust of the "seas," and in other surfaces where they are superimposed.

From the regular form of the many craters, they gave to the country an artificial appearance, which vividly reminded me of those parts of Staffordshire, where the great iron-foundries are most numerous. The day was glowing hot, and the scrambling over the rough surface and through the intricate thickets, was very fatiguing; but I was well repaid by the strange Cyclopean scene.

It is about 55 miles in diameter, and is enclosed by a border somewhat difficult to trace in its entirety, except under oblique light. There are some large craters within it, of which one on the N. side of the floor is especially prominent.

Strange varieties of cactus vied with the omnipresent choya. Yaqui, however, found ground that his horse covered at a swift walk. But there was only an hour, perhaps, of this comparatively easy going. Then the Yaqui led them into a zone of craters. The top of the earth seemed to have been blown out in holes from a few rods in width to large craters, some shallow, others deep, and all red as fire.

When the great guns lifted over the lines of craters, the lighter field artillery placed row after row in front of the wreckage, maintained an unending fire curtain over the communicating saps and support intrenchments. "Then came the second surprising feature in the new German system of attack. No waves of storming infantry swept into the battered works.

In another three hours, with the asteroid now speeding on its new course, Rip set off the explosion that blasted straight back and gave extra speed. Three radioactive craters marked the asteroid. Rip checked the radiation level and didn't like it a bit. He decided to set up the landing boat and their supplies as far away from the craters as possible, which was on the sun side.

It is well seen under a high light, as indeed is the case with most of these features. CRATERLETS, CRATER-PITS. To a great extent the former term is needless and misleading, as the so-called craters merge by imperceptible gradations into very minute objects, as small as half a mile in diameter, and most probably, if we could more accurately estimate their size, still less.

Beyond the scrap-heap that once was Pozières two enormous quarries dipped into the earth on either side of the road. Until the Messines explosion they were the largest mine craters on the western front.