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However, the affair passed off unheeded, and no one but the Queen and myself ever knew that we ourselves had been innocently the cause of this comical adventure. When we met after Mass, we were so overpowered, that neither of us could speak for laughing.

I feel quite pleased at having so successfully introduced you into good society." "Thank you," said Christian, half amused, half well, it is not worth while being annoyed at such a small thing. She only looked across at her husband to see how he felt on the matter. "I think," said the master with a comical twinkling in his eye, "that no society is half so good or so pleasant as our own."

Indian heads, Eskimo children in fur parkies, summer landscapes, anything and everything takes its turn upon the slate, which appears a real kaleidoscope under the artist's hands. Jennie often laughs till the tears run down her face at some comical drawing or story, or the musician's efforts to speak Eskimo as she does, and both enjoy themselves immensely.

I come from Gournay, its neighbor and rival. Gournay is to Gisors what Lucullus was to Cicero. Here, everything is for glory; they say 'the proud people of Gisors. At Gournay, everything is for the stomach; they say 'the chewers of Gournay. Gisors despises Gournay, but Gournay laughs at Gisors. It is a very comical country, this."

"P.S. I forgot to say that Carew made the most pointed inquiries as to whether I had any other profession than that of landscape-painting. Would it not be strangely comical if he should bestir himself to get me some Civil appointment! I almost fancied he must have been thinking of doing so, from some scraps of talk I heard him let fall at dinner.

Presently she said: "Lewis, I've begun lately to doubt if that stag is really pretty." "The stag? Well, now, I've always thought it tasty one of the features of our little place." "No one would mistake it for a real deer. It looks to me almost comical." Babcock turned to regard judicially the object of her criticism. "I like it," he said somewhat mournfully, as though he were puzzled.

Food he could not eat; and tea, water, and even brandy he rejected. Again and again the old philosopher, enfeebled by excessive exertion and illness, would collapse in a heap on the ground, an almost comical picture of despair, while we stood and waited the waning of the day, and peered forward in vain for any sign of an open country.

The priest, however, on particular occasions of this nature, very shrewdly gives notice of the sermon, and of the purpose for which it is to be preached: if it be grave, the people are prepared to cry; but if it be for a political, or any other purpose not decidedly religious, there will be abundance of that rough, blunt satire and mirth, so keenly relished by the peasantry, illustrated, too, by the most comical and ridiculous allusions.

Cocking his square head on one side, curling his tail, wrinkling his nose, and protruding his pink tongue even more than usual, he regarded his fallen foe with such comical satisfaction that Katharine's alarm gave place to amusement, and she laughed aloud. But the laugh died as quickly as it had risen when Aunt Eunice looked up and said, reproachfully: "I fear it has killed him, poor fellow!"

What pencil could faithfully delineate features at once so comical and lugubrious features that one moment expressed the most solemn seriousness, and the next, the most grotesque and absurd abandonment to mirth? In him, all extremes appeared to meet; the man was a contradiction to himself.