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I have rarely known a midshipman or a mate passed over, in this way, that there was not some great fault at the bottom. We must think of the service, as well as of generosity." "I confess all this, my lord and yet I did hope poor Clinch's delinquencies would at length be forgotten." "If there are any particular reasons for it, I should like to hear them."

Clinch's sceptical mind. He forgot himself and his surroundings. "And that story of the Drachenfels?" he asked insinuatingly, "the dragon, you know. Was he too " The baron grinned. "A boar transformed by the drunken brains of the Bauers of the Siebengebirge. Ach Gott!

Mr. Clinch's misconduct was of the kind especially designed by Providence to test the fortitude of a Christian wife and mother, and the Bishop was absolutely distended with seasonable advice and edification; so that when Bella met his tentative exhortations with the curt remark that she preferred to do her own housecleaning unassisted, her uncle's grief at her ingratitude was not untempered with sympathy for Mr.

"I shall not object; but for what will you do it?" "To taste it, to try it." "You are not afraid?" There was just enough obvious admiration of Mr. Clinch's audacity in the maiden's manner to impel him to any risk. His only answer was to take from his pocket a small steel instrument. Holding the neck of the bottle firmly in one hand, he passed his thumb and the steel twice or thrice around it.

But there was a singular resemblance in his face to some one of Mr. Clinch's own kin; but who, he could not remember. "May I take the liberty of asking your name?" he asked coldly. The figure grinned. "Surely; but, if thou standest upon punctilio, it is for ME to ask thine, most noble Freiherr," said he, winking upon his retainers. "Whom have I the honor of entertaining?"

The difficulties with which they were confronted on their arrival at St. George are thus described by one of Mr. Clinch's sons: "My father had charge of a party of soldiers, who were disbanded in 1783 and sent to colonize a howling wilderness the most unfit employment they could be put to.

"Back to the trail, then," said Clinch, wheeling his horse towards the road they had just quitted. "'Skuse me, Kernel," said the ostler, laying his hand on Clinch's rein, "but that way only brings us back the road we kem the stage road three miles further from home. That three miles is on the divide, and by the time we get there it will be snowed up worse nor this.

General Scott was in Washington when the news was received of General Clinch's engagement with the Seminoles. After dispatching his letter to the adjutant general, General Gaines proceeded to Pensacola for the purpose of getting the co-operation of the naval forces at that station.

"Aye, aye, sir that can't be denied, Captain Cuffe; yet it's a hard life that passes altogether without hope." This was uttered with an expression of melancholy that said more for Clinch's character than Cuffe had witnessed in the man for years, and it revived many early impressions in his favor.

The casual mention of Clinch's name produced the effect which the speaker probably intended. The stranger stared at Clinch, who, apparently oblivious of the conversation, was blinking his cold gray eyes at the fire. Dropping his aggressive tone to mere querulousness, the man sought the whiskey demijohn, and helped himself and his companions. Fortified by liquor he returned to the fire.