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I think I know some one who will help me more than you do, at any rate... he's a cantankerous beast, but he's a man, and has a mind, and knows it..." And she flung out into the garden, with cheeks aflame, and the parasol whirling like a Catherine wheel.

I am fond of making apologies for human nature, and I think I could find an excuse for myself if I, too, were dry and barren and muddy-witted and "cantankerous," disposed to get my back up, like those other natives of the soil. I know this, that the way Mother Earth treats a boy shapes out a kind of natural theology for him.

She approached him tentatively, without further racket; and the boy who had her in charge slacked the thin chain that held her. "Hope he breaks her back for her," was his unholy wish; for he hated Sara intensely, desiring to be with the lions or elephants rather than dancing attendance on a cantankerous female monkey there was no reasoning with.

And she had worked with even increased energy and devotion. This kissing of the rod, this irrational instinctive humility, was a strange and sweet experience for her. Such was the Hilda of the office; but Hilda at home, cantankerous, obstinate, and rude, had offered a remarkable contrast to her until the moment when it was decided that her mother should accompany Miss Gailey to London.

Others are new formations, coined in the ever-active mint of uneducated speech, and many of these, coming as they do full of freshness and vigour out of the vivid popular imagination words like harum-scarum, gallivant, cantankerous, and pernickety or useful monosyllables and penny pieces of popular speech like blight and nag and fun have already found their way into standard English.

"I was a most disagreeable child, perverse, cantankerous I can hear my mother saying it! As for the gardens they have given me something to do, they have kept me out of mischief.

Peace between the Powers, as between individuals, is, no doubt, a habit to which cantankerous Powers "must accustom themselves." But they will be sure to do so if there is a Law, armed with the force to be their schoolmaster towards peaceable habits.

Amos Cuthbert named it so our old friend Amos who lives high up in the ether of Town's End ridge, and who now represents Coniston in the Legislature. He is the same silent, sallow person as when Jethro first took a mortgage on his farm, only his skin is beginning to resemble dried parchment, and he is a trifle more cantankerous.

"Or what we've been doing to him. I hope I'm not around when that happens. I'm beginning to like the cantankerous old bugger." "I was afraid of that," Lancedale said. "Well, don't let it interfere with what you have to do. Remember, Frank; the Plan has to come first, always."

My heart is just broke, but do, master Oscar, be good to your little brother, and don't put on him. He has a high spirit, and it is no doubt cantankerous, but he must be honourably treated, and there's never a finer temper to be seed. "Well, my hand is weary of this cramping, tho' I have a deal more to say.