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I made for the main hall, where valuable papers were kept, and at the door, cannoned against one of our men, who shrieked with fright and begged for mercy. "Coward!" said I, giving him a cuff. "What has happened?" A flare fell on us both, and he recognized me. "The De Meurons!" he gasped. "The De Meurons!" I left him bawling out his fear and rushed inside. "What has happened?"

Plunging along with his head down, his thoughts wholly preoccupied with his grievance and its remedy, he bumped into Willing and cannoned off, recognising him with an angry growl. The result of this was to stay Pete's departure; he grasped the frame of the door and steadied himself, glaring round at the aggressor. "'Lo, Roland," he said, focussing his vision. "Whash masser?"

Here the coachman, being under orders, whipped up and nearly ran over the three. "My Hat!" said Beetle. "That's pretty average heroic." "Pretty average!" McTurk's knee in the small of his back cannoned him into Stalky, who punted him back. "You ought to be hung!" "And the Head ought to get the V.C.," said Stalky. "Why, he might have been dead and buried by now. But he wasn't. But he didn't.

Liane implored. "Open that box!" The words were on her lips when she was thrown off her feet by a frightful shock which stopped the Sybarite dead in full career, before the screw, reversed in obedience to the telegraph, could grip the water and lessen her momentum. The woman cannoned against Monk, shouldering him bodily aside.

Round the corner she ran, straight into the arms of Constable McSherry, who was coming sedately along the footpath in an opposite direction to her own. "What would my wife say if she saw this?" he asked, as she cannoned into him; "a young lady running into my arms?" "Don't be talking nonsense," she replied, laughingly. "Did you see a dog?" "It's nothing but dogs," he answered.

He stalked solemnly out of the room and downstairs, and, safe in the parlour, gave vent to his feelings in a wild but silent hornpipe. He cannoned against the table at last, and, subsiding into an easy-chair, crammed his handkerchief to his mouth and gave way to suppressed mirth. In his excitement he forgot all about tea, and the bereaved Mrs. Teak made no attempt to come downstairs to prepare it.

He smiled and once more Magda was aware of the sense of familiarity even with that whimsical, crooked smile. "I see," he replied composedly. "Then you think I ought to have been overwhelmed with delight that your car cannoned into my bus incidentally I barked my shins badly in the general mix-up and that I had to haul you out and bring you round from a faint and so on?"

With furious recklessness she charged forward, and, as bad luck would have it, her wild career brought about the worst thing possible. She cannoned violently into the sheriff's charger, while its rider was in the act of leveling his revolver at the head of a man wearing a red mask. The impact was within an ace of bringing both horses and riders to the ground.

We encountered fall after fall, bruises, cuts, and abrasions were sustained, but we vied with one another in bringing all our grit and patience to bear; scarcely a complaint was heard, although one or other of us would be driven almost sick with pain as the sledge cannoned into this or that man's heel with a thud that made the victim clench his teeth to avoid crying out.

He lifted his hat mechanically and murmured some sort of apology, but his eyes remained blank and seemed to look through and beyond the woman into whom he had just cannoned without seeing her certainly without recognising her. Cara was startled by their expression of strain.