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Correctly dressed men were passing all about him, with elegant frock-coats that bore flowers in their buttonholes and with impeccable Tuxedos. Women were regally trailing grosgrain and watered-silk skirts over the soft, red carpet.

That discarded collar on the dresser, the two stretched buttonholes like two tiny mouths. That collar... She caught up her purse and ran downstairs. On the ride down there occurred one of those incidents that sometimes leap out like a long arm of coincidence pointing the way.

Their employers followed an hour or so later on the cable cars for the most part whiskered gentlemen with huge stomachs, reading the morning papers with great gravity; bank cashiers and insurance clerks with flowers in their buttonholes.

"We can work for our living together," continued Clara, as she gaily flitted about from the dresser to the table, placing the cups and saucers and plates. "You can sew the seams and do the plain hemming, and I can work the buttonholes and stitch the bosoms, collars and wristbands!

Had not Lulu taught her to make buttonholes and to hem oh, no I Lulu could not have heard properly. "Everybody's got somebody to be nice to them," she thought now, sitting by the kitchen window, adult yet Cinderella. She thought that some one would come for her. Her mother or even Ina. Perhaps they would send Monona. She waited at first hopefully, then resentfully. The grey rain wrapped the air.

Fifty or sixty Harvard students came to his lecture dressed to caricature him in "swallow tail coats, knee breeches, flowing wigs and green ties. They all wore large lilies in their buttonholes and each man carried a huge sunflower as he limped along." That evening Oscar appeared in ordinary dress and went on with his lecture as if he had not noticed the rudeness.

I hadn't any at all, and began to finger my buttonholes as shamefaced as a pauper before a Board. The certitude dawned upon me suddenly that Carlos, even if he would consent to swear to me, would prejudice my chances. I cannot help thinking that I came very near to being cast adrift upon the streets of Kingston. To my asseverations Macdonald returned nothing but a series of minute "humphs."

When I was a brakesman at Killingworth, I learnt the art of embroidery while working the pitmen’s buttonholes by the engine fire at nights.” He was never ashamed, but on the contrary rather proud, of reminding his friends of these humble pursuits of his early life. Mr.

The lawyers and the trustee were midway down, Father Dan with Nessy MacLeod was at the end, and a large company of our friends and neighbours, wearing highly-coloured flowers on their breasts and in their buttonholes, sat between.

But all the sewing machine work she can obtain is so heavy. And so poorly paid! What do you suppose she gets for stitching those great, heavy motorman's coats putting them all together except making buttonholes and sewing on buttons, which is done in the factory?" "I have no idea," said Janice. "Thir-ty-sev-en-cents!" exclaimed Amy, tragically. "Think of it!