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Jack only feared lest some strip of rotten wood might give way under their combined weight, and allow them to plunge downward. A solid phalanx of the sturdy football players had formed directly beneath, and they seemed determined that if anything of this sort took place they would serve as a buffer, so that those who fell through might not be seriously injured.

Consequently this little peninsula has always walked on uneasy paths, which is ever the fate of a buffer state. Never did a Korean Emperor go to sleep in peace until he looked out and saw that the signal fires burned on the beautiful mountain peaks surrounding the city of Seoul; fires indicating that the borders were safe that night and that inmates of the palace might rest in peace and security.

It was not much good, as he could not see my face, but it relieved me. "Rather a pretty girl!" What a description! "Of course, yes," continued Ukridge. "She came to dinner here one night with her father, that fat little buffer." "As you were careful to call him to his face at the time, confound you! It was that that started all the trouble." "Trouble? What trouble?" "Why, her father...."

It suited Austria and Russia, since it created a strong buffer State acting as a bulwark against French annexionism in the North. It suited everybody but the Belgians themselves, who had never been consulted, in spite of their desire to be independent, made evident by the Brabançonne Revolution and their attitude under the French régime.

He seemed extraordinarily ready to impart his discoveries; and Claudia felt that her ignorance served him as a convenient buffer against the terrific impact of new sensations. On the way home she asked when he meant to see Mrs. Davant. His answer surprised her. "Does she know we're here?" "Not unless you've sent her word," said Claudia, with a touch of harmless irony.

He knows that unless the hammer marks be obliterated, he cannot by the buffer produce a surface of uniform polish and sensitiveness, without which a fair proof is extremely doubtful; he knows that the time employed in the preliminary operation of cleaning the plate properly is economy.

Boulbon was a young man of large ideas. In the rapid growth of California he saw a threat to Mexico and proposed to that government, as a "buffer" state between the two republics, to form a French colony in the Mexican State of Sonora. Sonora is that part of Mexico which directly joins on the south with our State of Arizona.

"Oh, you're taking it entirely too seriously," put in Lottie, as she used a buffer on her already pink and polished nails. "What could have happened?" "Why, they might have taken Freda away!" "Who would?" "Those persons men or women or both who are trying to get possession of the Lewis property. And, in a way, we might have been involved," went on Bess. "I don't see how," observed Cora.

When he was disinherited in favor of his younger brother, a keen, nervous, forceful fellow, he accepted it as a matter of course. His career was planned for him: he "took orders," married the young woman his folks selected, and slipped easily into his proper niche his adipose serving as a buffer for his feelings.

"Well, sir," he started, "it wus like this 'ere. The Jackass is one o' these 'ere light cruisers, and one mornin' at 'arf parst nine, arter the fust lootenant, Number One, as we calls 'im, arter 'e 'ad finished tellin' off the 'ands for their work arter divisions, the doctor 'appened to be standin' close alongside 'im, Number One beckons to the chief buffer..."