United States or Comoros ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

All were mediocre beside her. Perhaps I was prejudiced; but, now, the remarks of the other girls seemed to me singularly silly. From light badinage, we got talking of literature. Some one, Mr Mawley the curate, I think, drew a parallel between Douglas Jerrold and Thackeray, describing both, in his blunt, dogmatic way, as cynics. To this I immediately demurred.

If such a situation should occur a Liberal Government can look only to the people. We count on you, and we shall come to you. If you sustain us we shall take effectual steps to prevent such a deadlock ever occurring again. That is the whole policy of his Majesty's Government blunt, sober, obvious, and unflinching. NATIONAL LIBERAL CLUB, October 9, 1909

Ashe," said the Commissioner, "you worked along the Chiquito River, in Salado County, during your last trip, I believe. Do you remember anything of the Elias Denny three-league survey?" "Yes, sir, I do," the blunt, breezy, surveyor answered. "I crossed it on my way to Block H, on the north side of it. The road runs with the Chiquito River, along the valley.

Well, I'm glad they're safe anyway." The boats drew alongside, and in a few seconds Frere was upon deck. "Well, Mr. Frere?" "No use," cried Frere, shivering. "We only just had time to get away. The nearest thing in the world, sir." "Didn't you see anyone?" "Not a soul. They must have taken to the boats." "Then they can't be far off," cried Blunt, sweeping the horizon with his glass.

But the members of the Virginia Company were growing impatient at the failure of the venture to bring any returns, and they sent out instructions by Newport demanding that either a lump of gold be sent back to England or that the way to the South Sea be discovered. Smith said plainly that the instructions were ridiculous, and wrote an answer to them in blunt soldier English.

When two tribes, between whom there is a blood-feud not formally settled, meet together to make peace, it is the custom for the injured party, that is the tribe which has last suffered a loss of heads, to make an attack on the other party but using only the butt ends of their spears and the blunt edges of their swords.

"A monstrously handsome person!" cried the blunt soldier, evidently cordially endorsing Lord Lydstone's taste. "That's not the question, Colonel Wilders; it was not my son's place to take her to the tea-room, and I am much annoyed. Will you, to oblige me, go and tell Lydstone I want to speak to him?" Cousin Bill, docile and obsequious, hurried off to execute her ladyship's commission.

"Please yourself, Master Blunt," answered Cameron. "I like your company and that of your friends, and if it suited you I would be glad to take you along with us to the coast of the Pacific; but your mission among the Indians is a good one, and I'll help it on all I can. I suppose you will go also?" he added, turning to Dick Varley, who was still seated beside the council fire caressing Crusoe.

Allègre died and. . . ” murmured Mills in an interested manner. “And she had to dismount,” broke in Mr. Blunt grimly. “Dismount right into the middle of it. Down to the very ground, you understand. I suppose you can guess what that would mean. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She had never been on the ground. She . . . ” “Aha!” said Mills. “Even eh! eh! if you like,” retorted Mr.

He had the aspect of one who had been soaked with what the newspaper chappies call "some blunt instrument." "This is a bit thick, old thing what!" I said. He picked up his glass and drained it feverishly, overlooking the fact that it hadn't anything in it. "I'm done, Bertie!" he said. He had another go at the glass. It didn't seem to do him any good.