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He was between her and the door. "You need not think to gain your point by obstinacy," he added. "I swear that not another word shall pass between you and that blockhead of a chief not if I have to turn watch-dog myself!" He made way for her, but did not open the door. She left the room too angry to cry, and went to her own. Her fear of her father had vanished.

At the moment when the enemy might approach step by step it were useless to bend the kayani, or Parthian bow. I met a fat blockhead decked in rich apparel, and mounted on an Arab horse, with a turban of fine Egyptian linen on his head. A person said: "O Sa'di, how comes it that you see these garments of the learned on this ignorant beast?"

The republican missionaries of Oahu cause to be gazetted in the Court Journal, published at Honolulu, the most trivial movement of 'his gracious majesty' King Kammehammaha III, and 'their highnesses the princes of the blood royal'.* And who is his 'gracious majesty', and what the quality of this blood royal'? His 'gracious majesty' is a fat, lazy, negro-looking blockhead, with as little character as power.

Besides, he’s only a Fourth Former,” said Westby. Lawrence laughed. “You’re Sixth, I suppose?” Westby nodded. “Going to Harvard next year?” “Yes.” “Good for you. I’ll tell you one thing; you couldn’t have a better man to get you in than this brother of mineif I do say it. He tutored me for Harvardand I guess you’ve never had a worse blockhead, have you, Irv?”

Bowing low, I begged her pardon; and stooping still lower, in the same motion took up the letter, and whipt it into my bosom. Pox on me for a puppy, a fool, a blockhead, a clumsy varlet, a mere Jack Belford! I thought myself a much cleverer fellow than I am! Why could I not have been followed in by Dorcas, who might have taken it up, while I addressed her lady?

But the assistant had already sent for the next patient, and a peasant woman came into the consulting room with a boy. "Go along! go along," he said to Yakov, frowning. "It's no use to " "In that case put on leeches, anyway! Make us pray for you for ever." The assistant flew into a rage and shouted: "You speak to me again! You blockhead. . . ."

This Don Quixote, or Don Simpleton, or whatever his name is, cannot, I imagine, be such a blockhead as your excellence would have him, holding out encouragement to him to go on with his vagaries and follies." Then turning to address Don Quixote he said, "And you, num-skull, who put it into your head that you are a knight-errant, and vanquish giants and capture miscreants?

"But I am too young, sir, for such an appointment." "Not at all, you blockhead; although you get a magistracy in the paragraph, you don't imagine, I expect, you should get one directly. No, no; there are gradations in all things. For instance, now, first a Chief Constableship of Police; next, a County Inspectorship; and thirdly, a Stipendiary Magistracy.

You know what sorrows I have passed through, Jemima; how unjustly I was always treated at school, the masters keeping me back and calling me a blockhead, though, as they themselves allowed, I had the best memory of any boy in the school, and could repeat whole books from beginning to end.

"Stop your devil's ferment, Malabocca!" he thundered at the shepherd; "stop it, or I'll split your crown." "Bacco trionfante, Amante e spumante, Evviva l'ubbriacchezza!" roared Malabocca, screwing up his eye. Stefano brought down a mug full of wine upon his pate, which gave him a red baptism. "Mum, you blockhead, mum!" said his host "There is a stir outside the door I tell you!"