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From Lyndhurst we passed through Christchurch, Blandford and Dorchester and came for the night to Yeovil. We passed through no place of especial note, but no day of our tour afforded us a better idea of the more retired rural sections of England.

It was a horrible fancy, but it looked as might have looked the dead face of Edward Blandford! He started and ran quickly down the steps of the veranda. A slight wind at the same moment moved the long leaves and tendrils of a vine nearest him and sent a faint wave through the garden. He reached the cactus; its fantastic bulk stood plainly before him, but nothing more.

The woman who had deceived him who had deceived them BOTH. Yes! for Joan must have suspected that Blandford was living to have sought her secret divorce and yet she had never told him him the man for whom she got it. Ah! he must not forget THAT! It was to marry him that she had taken that step.

Thence to Brahan. On the 31st, pic-nic to the Falls of Rogie, with Lord Blandford playing on the bugle. September 1st. To Raith. 7th, to Arniston. 10th, to Ancrum, Kirklands. 16th, to see Harriet Martineau at Ambleside. 18th. Home. September 22nd. Torry Hill. 23rd, excursion to Margate races, with Lord Kingsdown. Shooting at Torry Hill. Mr. Richardson died at Kirklands on October 4th.

"How much money do you want," continued Blandford, with frigid accuracy, "to get up and get out of this place?" "Wa'al, consideren ez I'm travellin' here ez the only authorized agent of a first-class Frisco Drug House," said Ezekiel, with a mingling of mortification, pride, and hopefulness, "unless you're travellin' in the opposition business, I don't see what's that to you."

She has even asked him to give back the Star and Garter, the insignia once worn by the great duke, which has never fallen on shoulders so unworthy as those of the late Marquis of Blandford, now Duke of Marlborough.

Corwin," said Demorest dryly, "when I accompanied Mr. Blandford home the night he returned from his journey, we found YOU at church, and he had to put up his horse himself." "But that was the Sabbath the seventh day of the command," retorted Ezekiel. "And here the Sabbath doesn't consist of only ONE day to serve God in," said Demorest, sententiously.

The two occupants of the compartment rose at the same moment, leaped into the courtyard, and confronted Ezekiel. Surrounded by the three menacing figures he did not quail, but remained intently gazing upon the newcomer. Then his mouth opened, and he drawled lazily: "Wa'al, ef it ain't Squire Blandford, of North Liberty, Connecticut, I'm a treed coon. Squire Blandford, how DO you do?"

Of course it's going to be costly, but you can't have omelettes without breaking eggs. An old proverb, me boys but a true one." "More than true, Sir John," remarked Vane quietly. "And one that from time immemorial has proved an immense comfort to the egg." He went on up to his room. It was too early yet to start for Blandford, but Vane was in no mood for his own thoughts.

"Shall I drive round to the barn and leave the horse and buggy there while you go in?" continued Demorest, good-humoredly, pointing to the stable gate at the side. "No, thank you," returned Blandford, "it's locked, and I'll have to open it from the other side after I go in. The horse will stand until then.