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The rattle of chips, the whir of the ivory ball and the professional chant of lookout and croupier sounded between dances. "Single ought in the green," the croupier droned. "Single ought in the green," the lookout echoed. "The pea-green shade is the bank's per cent. The house wins and the gamblers lose. Place your bets for another turn." "She's off," the croupier chanted.

Light-o'-loves, gay and careless; hideous old crones, who watched the unwary and stole the unwary's bets; old women in black, who figured and figured imaginary winnings and never risked anything but their nerves. And there were beautiful women, beautifully gowned, beautifully gemmed, some of them good, some of them indifferent, and some of them bad.

Oh! ridiculous, some of them were; and then again bets on things that stirred the world to the centre, from the loss of America to the beheading of Louis XVI.

"I am taller than you by an inch or two, but you are broader round the shoulders." "Pooh, my dear Will! I bet you you weigh twice as much as he does!" cries Jack Morris. "Done, Jack!" says my lord, laughing. "The bets are all ponies. Will you take him, Mr. Warrington?" "No, my dear fellow one's enough," says Jack.

It is a day of lounging without an object, and luncheons without an appetite; of hopes and fears; confidence and dejection; bravado bets and secret hedging; and, about midnight, of furious suppers of grilled bones, brandy-and-water, and recklessness. The president and vice-president of the Conservative Association, the secretary and the four solicitors who were agents, had impressed upon Mr.

Half the Dukes in the kingdom were there. Most of the chief ministers of state swelled the crowd; nor was the opposition unrepresented. Montague stole two or three days from the Treasury, and Orford from the Admiralty. Godolphin was there, looking after his horses and his bets, and probably went away a richer man than he came. But racing was only one of the many amusements of that festive season.

As Bronco paused before the last turn, many of the by-standers made bets. The stakes were laid at last and the deal about to start when Glenister spoke. "Wait! What's this place worth, Bronco?" "What do you mean?" "You own this outfit?" He waved his hand about the room. "Well, what does it stand you?"

She also let out that her brother, Captain Dancy, and Howel had heavy bets on the different horses that were to run, and that she expected there would be great excitement. As to Mr Deep, nobody quite knew what he did, he was so very reserved and quiet. Owen stayed on at Abertewey day after day, he scarcely knew why. In the first place, he was very well amused, and liked his quarters.

They appear as creatures of flesh and blood, living men with their own passions, ambitions, and aspirations like the rest of us. Let us view them in turn. A is a full-blooded blustering fellow, of energetic temperament, hot-headed and strong-willed. It is he who proposes everything, challenges B to work, makes the bets, and bends the others to his will.

Bets, breakfasts, riding, dinners at the "Cafe de Paris," and delirious Carnival balls: the animal goes through all such frantic pleasures at the season that precedes Lent.