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Clyde asked, nodding at Fraser, who snorted indignantly. "Not exactly. Balt is quite the antithesis of Mr. Fraser. He is a fisherman, and he has never been East before." "He's learning the manicure business," sniffed the adventurer. "He has his nails curried every day. Says it tickles." "Oh, glory be!" ejaculated the clubman. "I must meet him, too. Let me show him the town, will you?

The adventurer had left his companions alone much of the time during the trip greatly to Boyd's relief, for the fellow was an unconscionable bore and had thus allowed them time to perfect their plans and thresh out numberless details. "I grabbed another farmer's son at supper just got through with him. He was good for three-fifty." "Three hundred and fifty dollars?" questioned Balt. "Yep!

"Have a semaphore man posted here this afternoon. I'll be back at that time." He spun on his heel and left them. Balt Haer rushed to the door after him, shouting, "Captain! That's an order! Return " But the other was obviously gone. Enraged, the younger Haer began to shrill commands to a noncom in the way of organizing a pursuit. His father called wearily, "That's enough, Balt.

"Well, colonel, it's all very secret, these ambitions of Captain Mauser. I understand he's been an aide de camp to Marshal Cogswell in the past, but the marshal will be distressed to learn that on this occasion Captain Mauser has a secret by which he expects to rout your forces. Indeed, yes, the captain is quite the strategist." Balt Haer laughed abruptly. "And what good will this do the captain?

"So this is the end of my good resolutions," she laughed, and snatched a garment recklessly from its hook. "Now for all the miserable tricks of the trade!" George Balt, Clyde, and Fraser formed a glum trio as they sat in a nook of the hotel cafe, sipping moodily at their glasses, when, on the following afternoon, Emerson joined them.

Balt Van Tassel was an easy, indulgent soul; he loved his daughter better even than his pipe, and, like a reasonable man and an excellent father, let her have her way in everything.

There was understanding in the old man's face, but Balt Haer said loftily, "What's that got to do with it? Promotion is quick and based on merit in Category Military." At a certain point, if you are good combat officer material, you speak your mind no matter the rank of the man you are addressing. On this occasion, Joe Mauser needed few words.

"Sorry," Joe said to Nadine. "Why?" she said simply. "The fact of the matter is that Balt and I are continually at each other. He is quite the active member of the Nathan Hale society." Joe frowned his ignorance and looked at Holland. Holland chuckled.

"Balt hasn't started yet. For the first time he is a real menace to Willis Marsh." "Won't you take my advice and reconsider?" urged the girl. "Listen!" said the young man. "I came to this country with a definite purpose in mind, and I had three years in which to work it out. I needed money God, how I needed money!

Well, Major Mauser, I can only say that your arrangement was with my father. Even if I thought it a reasonable one, I doubt if I would sponsor your ambitions myself." Nadine Haer looked up wearily. "Oh, Balt, come off it," she said. "The fact is, the Haer fortunes contracted a debt to you, major. Unfortunately, it is a debt we cannot pay." She looked into his face.