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"What a feat, what a book!" exclaimed the Parisian cultivated circles, male and female, on that occasion; and Maupertuis, with plenty of bluster in him carefully suppressed, assents in a grandly modest way. "Are not we!" answers Voltaire by and by, with endless waggeries upon him, though at present so reverent.

"O, Kenrick is, is he? that's all right. Jolly fellow is Ken," observes Harpour, approvingly. "Yes, quite up to snuff," adds Jones; "and a thorough gentlemanly chap," assents Mackworth; for, amazing to relate, Kenrick is on good terms with these fellows now, though he has never spoken to Walter yet. "Of good family, too, on the mother's side," drawls Tracy, with his hand lifting his locks.

So God me help, of Sir Tristram I both heard and saw, and not for then we loved not inwardly well together, yet at my mischief Sir Tristram rescued me from my death; and yet, or he and I departed, by both our assents we assigned a day that we should have met at the stony grave that Merlin set beside Camelot, and there to have done battle together; howbeit I was letted, said Sir Palomides, that I might not hold my day, the which grieveth me sore; but I have a large excuse.

And the other pair of us, Harry and myself, would like to go too. Neither of us have got our land legs yet, as we found yesterday while fighting the penguins. A little mountaineering will help to put the steady into them." "Oh, very well," assents the good-natured skipper. "You may all come except Caesar. He had better stay by the boat, and keep the fire burning."

You have just taken in a lodger I have been speaking to; an infirm woman with a cough. 'Puffer, assents Deputy, with a shrewd leer of recognition, and smoking an imaginary pipe, with his head very much on one side and his eyes very much out of their places: 'Hopeum Puffer. 'What is her name? ''Er Royal Highness the Princess Puffer. 'She has some other name than that; where does she live?

"I dread," answered the labourer, "that her modesty may be offended; but I will consult her, and if she assents, I will invite you to my lodging." "That is but just," said the sultan, "and no more than what is proper."

The difference between the scientific and the mythologic inference consists solely in the number of checks which in the former case combine to prevent any other than the true conclusion from being framed into a proposition to which the mind assents.

A coward, whose fears are easily awakened, readily assents to every account of danger he meets with; as a person of a sorrowful and melancholy disposition is very credulous of every thing, that nourishes his prevailing passion.

Piet, agreeably assents the maiden after an interval which Piet reckons must be at least half an hour and he has forgotten about the new horse altogether. 'Your father's oxen are looking well after the rain, continues Piet some minutes later; and this time he has reduced the space between himself and the maiden by about three inches.

She opens her door furtively and listens. That is Gwen's voice surely, beyond the servants' quarter, speaking with a respectful man. The scraps of speech that reach the listener's ear go to show that he assents to do something out of the common, to oblige her ladyship. Something is to happen at three-fifteen, which he will abet, and be responsible for.