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Fifteen railroads threaded into it, a gaseous shed de luxe, picking up St. Louis like a gigantic bead upon the necklace of commerce. The coughing of steam up against a glass roof threw off repetitions of self. The boom of a train announcer's voice rang out, the echoes fitting smaller and smaller into one another like a collapsible drinking cup. A hither and thither!

He nodded his head towards the lights on the deAngelis, "They'll be gone in five, ten minutes." The controller reached over and turned up the volume on his radio. The radio should not have been there, but as long as everyone did his job and kept the volume low, the Captain looked the other way. The set belonged to the precinct. The announcer's voice came on, "... ning up, he's fuming.

"You all know this young lady," the announcer's voice went on. "The beloved and lovable Sweetheart of Mars, the bride of Scar Balta " The Martian's sleek and well-groomed head appeared beside that of the girl. " Scar Balta, whose services to Mars have been great beyond his years; who, in the threatening war with Earth, would be one of our greatest bulwarks of security."

"Witches of the world unite to make it clean, clean, clean, Witch clean NOW!" they chanted their cry, and reenacted the scene of the night before, while the announcer's voice rode over the muted jingle to explain that Witch products had been used to make the slum clean, clean, Witch clean, even though it took carpenters and builders and contractors to remodel a slum building itself.

"This is really happening, down near the Battery in New York City. It is happening to the Joneses and the Smiths who live there " The chorus rose to cover the announcer's voice, "Clean, clean, clean, Witch clean!" The commercial and the witches faded, and Bill Howard's big, homely face came back on the screen. "Let me introduce you again to the Jones family," Bill said.

The light died; a television detector whined as its motors came to speed; and each watcher knew that the waiting world was connected with that auditorium in New York; all that happened, there each sight and sound was circling the globe. An announcer's voice roared briefly before the regulator cut down on its volume. "You are seeing the Radio-central Auditorium in New York.

The usual impassiveness which had masked his inner conflicts since his first days at the Pool served him now. And the others never noted the hesitation with which he approached the announcer's place. Dane had scarcely seated himself, one hand resting on the cage of the pest, before Ali brought down two fingers in the sharp sweep which signaled the Com-tech to duty.

But the news came in to us from a hundred sources rolled out for us in the announcer's droning words; printed for permanent record upon the tapes and visible images of it all constantly were flashing upon the mirrors. We spent hours in that instrument room one or the other of us was almost always there. Save that we were ourselves isolated from communication, we were in touch with everything.

The ultimatum came to us in the tower as we sat listening to the announcer's measured tones. Elza exclaimed: "But why do they wait? Father's model must be here. Tarrano, the leader of all this is here. Within the hour those vessels of war could sweep in here capture Tarrano recover father's model " Georg interrupted quietly: "No one knows if the model is here.

At times she would look about her, and the surroundings would become blurred, as if she had been weeping. The hastening people moved as if through a heavy mist and the announcer's voice, at intervals, boomed out loudly and called names that suggested nothing to her.