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To alter the tale was one of the greatest of crimes: the skald must repeat it as it came to him; but by degrees undoubtedly the sagas did suffer alteration. The facts remained the same indeed, but around them gathered a mist of miraculous occurrences and legends.

"Yes, were you ten times a slave, it would not obliterate the mark of the omniscient God! It could not alter the beauty of the features or the character. I should be proud of such a sister, even did she wear the shackles. But you! No, no, there is no stain upon your birth!" "And can you regard me as you once did? "An angel. Yes, truly, as an angel of the higher order."

"Where did you get that stickpin, Frank?" "Bought it at Mace's jewelry store." "You are getting extravagant." "I hardly think so, aunt, and I don't believe you would think so, either, if you knew all the circumstances." "Circumstances do not alter cases when a boy is a spendthrift." "I won't argue with you, aunt. You have your ideas and I have mine.

You deceive yourself if you think it would prevail upon me to alter my intentions; besides, I can make no contrivances; it must be here, and I must endure the noise it will make, and undergo the censures of a people that choose ever to give the worst interpretation that anything will bear.

She was always, he remembered, a creature of caprice. If she were really in earnest! "We have drifted too far apart, Blanche," he said, making an effort to face the situation. "Years ago this might have been possible. To-day it would be a dismal failure. My ways are not yours. The life I lead would bore you to death." "There is no reason why you should not alter it," she answered, calmly.

All your love and courage and devotion will not alter what must happen, sooner or later. Let my uncle have his way. Let us have no more troubles and heart-burnings that any sacrifice of mine can prevent. Say you will live with me, Marian, when I am married and say no more." But I did say more.

Before addressing myself to the principal matter of this essay, namely the question whether we should not attempt to recover Shakespeare's skull, I may as well note, that the remains of the great philosopher, whom so many regard as Shakespeare's very self, or else his alter ego, were not allowed to remain unmolested in their grave in St. Michael's Church, St. Albans. C. Le Poer Kennedy, of St.

It was as much as to say, This is what becomes of a Jewish king; this is what the Romans do with him; the king of this nation is a slave, a crucified criminal; and, if such be the king, what must the nation be whose king he is? So enraged were the Jews that they sent a deputation to the governor to entreat him to alter the words.

Directly after that incident Denham seemed to alter our course again, and once more we were walking straight for the dim lantern. This went on for a short time, and then we had another check, for the sound of tramping feet arose to our right not the regular beat, beat of well-drilled military, but a rough, heavy, anyhow walk of about a dozen men.

Alter this the enemy succeeded in drawing so close a cordon round the place that no more succours could reach it, and the end was but a matter of time. The day before it came Dragut, who, with his usual intrepidity, was standing in the midst of a hot fire, was struck on the side of the head by a stone dislodged from a wall by a cannon-ball.