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The probabilities may pass for what they are worth till further discovery. A damp, unfurnished house belonging to Wolsey, where he was ordered to remain till the government had determined upon their course towards him. See Cavendish. Cavendish, pp. 269, 270. Cavendish, p. 276. Chappuys says, that a quarrel with Sir John Wallop first introduced Cromwell to Henry.

Ticknor & Fields. 16mo. pp. 276. 75 cts. A Treasury of Scripture Stories. Beautifully illustrated with Colored Plates, from Original Designs, by the first of American Artists. New York. Sheldon & Co. 12mo. pp. 50. 75 cts. A Man. By Rev. J.D. Bell. Philadelphia. James Challen & Son. 12mo. pp. 462. $1.25. The Wild Sports of India.

Trial of Sir Thomas More: Baga de Secretis, pouch 7, bundle 3. Fisher had unhappily used these words on his own examination; and the identity of language was held a proof of traitorous confederacy. If this was the constitutional theory, "divine right" was a Stuart fiction. More's Life of More, p. 271 More's Life of More, pp. 276, 277.

By J.T. TROWBRIDGE, Author of "Father Brighthopes," "Neighbor Jackwood," etc. New York: Sheldon & Company. 1860. pp. 276. Mr. Trowbridge's previous works have made him known to a large circle of appreciating readers as a writer of originality and promise.

Bossuet, Oeuvres (Versailles, 1815-1819), vi. 276 ("Catéchisme du diocèse de Meaux"). His description of the superstitions is, in his own words, as follows: "Danser

"Messages and Papers of the Presidents," Vol. II, p. 218. "Wharton's Digest," Sec. 57, Vol. I, p. 276. "Wharton's Digest," Sec. 57, Vol. I, p. 272. "Political Life of Canning," Vol. II, p. 42. "Political Life of Canning," Vol. II, p. 54. "Official Corresp. of Canning," Vol. II, p. 242. Letter to Granville. On the general question of recognition, see "Life of Lord Liverpool," Vol. III, pp. 297-304.

Rambure, MS. Mém. vol. i. pp. 276, 277. Albert de Bellièvre was the second son of the celebrated Chancellor Pomponne de Bellièvre and of Marie Prunier, demoiselle de Grignon. He was a distinguished classic and an elegant scholar. Having become Archbishop of Lyons, he subsequently transferred that dignity to his younger brother Claude, and retired to his abbey of Jouy, where he died in 1621.

Emile, IV. 181, 182. In this letter he asks also, with the same magnanimous security as the Savoyard Vicar, "of what concern the destiny of the wicked can be to him." Emile, IV. 241, 242. Emile, IV. 243. Condorcet's Progrès de l'Esprit Humain . Oeuv., vi. 276.

It were the worst example that ever was; and especially for these ungracious people of Ireland. Norfolk to Cromwell: State Papers, Vol. II. p. 276. Ibid. Ibid. The duke, throughout his letter, takes a remarkably businesslike view of the situation.

I notice further, in connection with the Orphan Houses, that, without any one having been asked for anything by me, the sum of £5,276, 14s. 8d. was given to me from the beginning of the work up to May 10, 1842, as the result of prayer to God.