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Zigler," he said, "will you tell us what steps you took to bring about the death of the first accused?" I told him. He wanted to know specially whether I'd stretched first accused before or after he had fired at Mankeltow. Mankeltow testified he'd been shot at, and exhibited his neck as evidence. It was scorched. "Now, Mr. Walen," says Lord Lundie.

The game, he says; 'and that reminds me, gentlemen, we haven't drunk the King and Foxhunting. "So they drank the King and Fox-hunting. I've ridden wolves in the cattle- country, and needed a drink pretty bad afterwards, but it never struck me as I ought to drink about it he-red-it-arily. "'No, as I was saying, Mr. Zigler, he goes on, 'we have to train our men in the field to shoot and ride.

First time that happened I turned the Zigler loose with high hopes, Sir; but the old man was well posted on rearguards with a gun to 'em, and I had to haul her out with three mules instead of six. I was pretty mad. I wasn't looking for any experts back of the Royal British Artillery. Otherwise, the game was mostly even.

'Psha! Think of your rememberin' that! Well, no. The Zigler is a great gun the greatest ever but life's too short, an' too interestin', to squander on pushing her in military society. I've leased my rights in her to a Pennsylvanian-Transylvanian citizen full of mentality and moral uplift. If those things weigh with the Chancelleries of Europe, he will make good and I shall be surprised.

I allow six months for it; but many column-commanders not that I ought to say a word against 'em, for they're the best fellows that ever stepped, and most of 'em are my dearest friends seem to think that if they have men and horses and guns they can take tea with the Boers. It's generally the other way about, ain't it, Mr. Zigler? "'To some extent, Sir, I said.

'I hired this off of my Lord Marshalton, Zigler explained, while they helped us out of our coats under the severe eyes of ruffed and periwigged ancestors. 'Ya-as. They always look at me too, as if I'd blown in from the gutter. Which, of course, I have. That's Mary, Lady Marshalton. Old man Joshua painted her. Do you see any likeness to my Lord Marshalton? Why, haven't you ever met up with him?

He knew all the columns and generals that I'd battled with in the days of my Zigler gun. We kinder fell into each other's arms an' let the harsh world go by for a while. 'Walen he introduces me to your Lord Lundie. He was a new proposition to me. If he hadn't been a lawyer he'd have made a lovely cattle-king. I thought I had played poker some. Another of my breaks. Ya-as!

Might work in a gasoline motor under the axles. I must think that up. "'Well, gentlemen, I said, 'I'd hate to have been the death of any of you; and if a prisoner can deed away his property, I'd love to present the Captain here with what he's seen fit to leave of my Zigler. "'Thanks awf'ly, says my Captain. 'I'd like her very much. She'd look fine in the mess at Woolwich.

"'Me, he said. 'I got you fair on the hopper as you pulled out of that donga; but I'm sorry to say every last round in the hopper's exploded and your gun's in a shocking state. I'm real sorry, he says. 'I admire your gun, Sir. "'Are you Captain Mankeltow? I says. "'Yes, he says. 'I presoom you're Mister Zigler. Your commanding officer told me about you.

He said if you stretched a man at his prayers you'd have to hump his bad luck before the Throne as well as your own. I am inclined to agree with him. So we browsed along week in and week out. A war-sharp might have judged it sort of docile, but for an inventor needing practice one day and peace the next for checking his theories, it suited Laughton O. Zigler. "And friendly?