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A peasant soon appeared on the road; he was dancing grotesquely and flinging his arms about with meaningless gestures. Almost paralyzed with curiosity, I glued my eyes on the hilarious spectacle. As the man reached a point in the road where he would vanish from our view, Sri Yukteswar said, "Now, he will return." The peasant at once changed his direction and made for the rear of the ashram.

"Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."-GEN. 3:23. The all-creative powers of his will, focused at that spot, were lost to man when he began to "till the ground" of his physical nature. "Because you and my son think so highly of Swami Sri Yukteswar, I will take a look at him." The tone of voice used by Dr.

A universal benignity flows from small niches with statues of Lahiri Mahasaya and Sri Yukteswar, and of Krishna, Buddha, Confucius, St. Francis, and a beautiful mother-of-pearl reproduction of Christ at the Last Supper. Another Self-Realization Church of All Religions was founded in 1943 at San Diego.

As Sri Yukteswar finished the awesome story, one of the spellbound listeners ventured a question that, from a child, was doubly understandable. "Sir," he said, "why did your guru use castor oil?" "Child, giving the oil had no meaning except that I expected something material and Lahiri Mahasaya chose the near-by oil as an objective symbol for awakening my greater faith.

The essence of truth, all-pervasive with even a physiological aspect, came from him like a fragrant exudation of the soul. I was conscious always that I was in the presence of a living manifestation of God. The weight of his divinity automatically bowed my head before him. If late guests detected that Sri Yukteswar was becoming engrossed with the Infinite, he quickly engaged them in conversation.

But for a specific purpose I want you to get one of silver and lead." Sri Yukteswar added careful directions. "Guruji, what 'specific purpose' do you mean?" "The stars are about to take an unfriendly interest in you, Mukunda. Fear not; you shall be protected. In about a month your liver will cause you much trouble.

"I have now finished my business in Calcutta, and shall arrive in Serampore by the ten o'clock train." As I still stared mutely, Sri Yukteswar went on, "This is not an apparition, but my flesh and blood form. I have been divinely commanded to give you this experience, rare to achieve on earth. Meet me at the station; you and Dijen will see me coming toward you, dressed as I am now.

Though the new boy was obviously Sri Yukteswar's favorite, I felt no dismay. Personal idiosyncrasies, possessed even by masters, lend a rich complexity to the pattern of life. My nature is seldom commandeered by a detail; I was seeking from Sri Yukteswar a more inaccessible benefit than an outward praise. Kumar spoke venomously to me one day without reason; I was deeply hurt.

"I willingly transfer the burden, Master." "My first request, then, is that you return home to your family. I want you to enter college in Calcutta. Your education should be continued." "Very well, sir." I hid my consternation. Would importunate books pursue me down the years? First Father, now Sri Yukteswar! "Someday you will go to the West.

"You and Dijen meet the nine o'clock train at Serampore station." About eight-thirty on Wednesday morning, a telepathic message from Sri Yukteswar flashed insistently to my mind: "I am delayed; don't meet the nine o'clock train." I conveyed the latest instructions to Dijen, who was already dressed for departure. "You and your intuition!" My friend's voice was edged in scorn.