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Youth is, perhaps, the most divine of all the gifts of the gods, as those who wore the lotus-blossom amulet believed thousands of years ago, and Denderah, appropriately, is a very young Egyptian temple, probably, indeed, the youngest of all the temples on the Nile.

Just as we were about leaving I turned to Mr. Gilbert and said, "The Governor will be glad to hear the news." "What!" said the surprised skipper, "have you got a real Governor on board?" And then I had to explain that it was merely a title we had bestowed upon Lieutenant Schwatka in view of the faithful care he took of his people, though, I believe, the youngest in the party.

It would have been a valuable revelation to some theologians to see in those two what &lti>love</i> might mean. So gentle was Rob of the Angels, that all the women, down to the youngest maid-child, gave him a compassionate, mother-like love.

They are to be seen at the abbey church, where they sing and say their offices. Only the three secular chaplains of the abbess penetrate into the house of the nuns; the youngest of the three cannot be less than fifty.

The boys played about in the court, and the youngest wore the gold star on his breast which the Tree had had on the happiest evening of his life. However, that was over now the Tree gone, the story at an end. All, all was over every tale must end at last. FIRST STORY. Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters Now then, let us begin.

Beaumont, and it was in compliment to her former mistress and her husband that she named her youngest son James Beaumont after the latter. The boy's education was confined to the common elements of reading, writing, and arithmetic, which he partly acquired at the parish school of Strathbungo near Glasgow, and partly at the Chapel School, as it was called, in the Gorbals at Glasgow.

Stand to Lies, Mr. Falsepeace, Mr. Drunkenness, Mr. Cheating, Mr. Atheism, and another; thirteen of them in all. Mr. Incredulity was the eldest, Mr. Atheism the youngest in the company a shrewd and correct arrangement. Diabolus, on his part, set to work to fortify Mansoul.

Of particular characters, one occurs repeatedly. This is that which we have ventured, for want of a better word, to call 'Boots', from that widely-spread tradition in English families, that the youngest brother is bound to do all the hard work his brothers set him, and which has also dignified him with the term here used.

Hugh, the youngest, was born on the 22nd of May, 1776; and was so called after the name of his father's great friend, Sir Hugh Palliser. It hath often been mentioned, in terms of no small regret, that a monument hath not yet been erected to the memory of Captain Cook, in Westminster Abbey. The wish and the hope of such a monument are hinted at in the close of Dr.

The happiness of my early days was painted to me; the disquiet of my manhood, the altered faith of my declining years. I remembered how I had been moved to go forth a wanderer, when my daughter, the youngest, the dearest of my flock, lay on her dying bed, and " "Couldst thou obey the command at such a moment?" exclaimed Pearson, shuddering. "Yea, yea," replied the old man, hurriedly.