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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Nobbet," which is a Gipsy word well known to all itinerant negro minstrels, means to go about with music to get money. "To nobbet round the tem, bosherin'." It also implies time or turn, as I inferred from what I was told on inquiry. "You can shoon dovo at the wellgooras when yeck rakkers the waver, You jal and nobbet."

When Gipsies have remained over night on a farm, it sometimes happens that their horses and asses inadvertently of course find their way to the haystacks or into a good field. Humanum est errare! Yeck mush can lel a grai ta panni, but twenty cant kair him pi. One man can take a horse to water, but twenty can't make him drink. A well-known proverb.

"None of your chaffing, young fellow," said the tall girl, "or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it." "Well, perhaps I was a peg too high," said I; "I ask your pardon here's something a bit lower: 'As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi "

Yes, they chase spirits just the same as anything in the world bite 'em, fight 'em, tear 'em because dogs cannot be hurt by ghosts." "Dogs," I replied, "sometimes hunt men as well as ghosts." "Avo; but men can fool the juckals avree, and men too, and mullos can't." "How do they kair it?" "If a choramengro kaums to chore a covva when the snow is apre the puvius, he jals yeck piro, palewavescro.

And yeck ratti my dadas, sixty besh kenna, was pirryin' par the weshes to tan, an' he shooned a bitti gudlo like bitti ranis a rakkerin' puro tacho Rommanis, and so he jalled from yeck boro rukk to the waver, and paul' a cheirus he dicked a tani rani, and she was shellin' avree for her miraben, "Rom-ma-ny, Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!" So my dada shokkered ajaw, "Rom-ma-ny chal, ak-ai!"

'None of your chaffing, young fellow, said the tall girl, 'or I will give you what shall make you wipe your face; be civil, or you will rue it. 'Well, perhaps I was a peg too high, said I; 'I ask your pardon here's something a bit lower: As I was jawing to the gav yeck divvus I met on the drom miro Rommany chi

"Savo's tute's rye?" putched a ryas mush of a Rommany chal. "I've dui ryas," pooked the Rommany chal: "Duvel's the yeck an' beng's the waver. Mandy kairs booti for the beng till I've lelled my yeckora habben, an' pallers mi Duvel pauli ajaw." "Who is your master?" asked a gentleman's servant of a Gipsy. "I've two masters," said the Gipsy: "God is the one, and the devil is the other.

Once a young man was playing well upon the violin, and a beautiful lady told him, "Your playing is as soft as cream." Good with good makes better. Yeckorus some plochto Rommany chals an' juvas were kellin' the pash-divvus by dood tall' a boro ker, and yeck penned the waver, "I'd be cammoben if dovo ker was mandy's."

Let us suppose that I am asking some kushto Rommany chal for a version of AEsop's fable of the youth and the cat. He is sitting comfortably by the fire, and good ale has put him into a story-telling humour. I begin "Now then, tell me this adree Rommanis, in Gipsy Once upon a time there was a young man who had a cat." Gipsy. "Yeckorus 'pre yeck cheirus a raklo lelled a matchka"

They're bitti geeros who rikker tute adree the gogemars, an' sikker tute a dood till you're all jalled apre a wafro drum an nashered, an' odoi they chiv their kokeros pauli an' savs at tute. Mandy's dicked their doods adusta cheiruses, an' kekoomi; but my pal dicked langis muis pash mungwe yeck ratti. He was jallin' langus an' dicked their doods, and jinned it was the yag of lesters tan.

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